

22 Sep


Originally posted by Nevran

Many people here will blame the "redditors" but honestly a lot of people here fail to actually understand how a company work and just take some step back when they get frustrated about a champion.

They only think about what they want, which is not being beat by a way they consider unfair (something they don't have any objectivity or fact about). They don't think about improving the game, about going further, about doing better, etc.

Many here say they do but I think they just lack the critical ability to realize no they don't. Because it take dedication and a lot of time, I try to invest myself in theorycraft more and there is tons of thing I forgot or fail to see until I playtest for a longtime or learn my mistakes, etc. And I am not even a creative person, so let's not talk about making a identity, something unique and fun, etc.

People don't get that Ender went from both sides, he can understand why people get angry or frustrated but he knows what a compan...

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One thing I wanted to get across was they've been working on it for a year and have certain expectations of what will happen on release. They may be wrong, but they have specific plans for if they under or overshoot her projected power level. So seeing the quick reactions and extreme takes is disheartening.


Originally posted by endercasts

Hey, just seeing this now. I know I popped off in the last tweet, but I hate seeing senseless flame (thats what it was directed at). For the rest, I dont want to stifle discussion or criticism, believe me I have had disagreements with decisions that have been made in the past. But I hope we can level up and understand why things are the way they are and be more informed when we do criticize.

Also, I dont mean to defend Samiras current state. I'm focused on worlds. But rather to address how we talk about new champs.


Originally posted by SHITPOSTER42069

Funny, or you could hire a team of all master tier + players instead of silver/gold league one tricks so ur balance team actually has a mindful opinion cuz they can actually play the characters that are being brought up. :thinking:

All playtesters are high diamond - challenger (I think 3 challenger players atm). There are at least 2 master/gm players on the balance team.


Hey, just seeing this now. I know I popped off in the last tweet, but I hate seeing senseless flame (thats what it was directed at). For the rest, I dont want to stifle discussion or criticism, believe me I have had disagreements with decisions that have been made in the past. But I hope we can level up and understand why things are the way they are and be more informed when we do criticize.

15 Sep


Frosk knows a thing or two about LPL teams...

05 Sep


Originally posted by IWantToBeTheBoshy

If another jgler is 1 lvl up its not really a 50/50 smite fight casters

my bad, should've said 51/49


Originally posted by [deleted]


thanks :)


Originally posted by uridel

I want a fund for the LEC version of the star wars saga.

me too


Originally posted by ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp

Frosk should have got an award for that amazing "wha we gon dew!" accent in the LEC wars.

I agree


sorry for writing that cold open. I take full responsibility

04 Sep


Originally posted by FearTHEReaper01

Im gonna miss LEC soo much after finals is done.

who says we have to stop making content?

29 Aug


Originally posted by Callowaay

you actually delivered those lines perfectly, f**king 10/10

omg thank you!


Originally posted by Davkata

So who is the main culprit/prequel memer from the cast?

"Don't f**kin touch me!" did give a bit of a HISHE vibe.

I'm the memer :)

28 Aug


think Disney will pick me up for their next movie?

23 Aug


Originally posted by Pavlo100

Ender with the 3-0 prediction!

just as planned


Originally posted by barazamber

caedrel with his own segment already pog

hes smurfing


Originally posted by Turtle-Express

I love these LEC Breaking News openings. Ender is absolutely killing it.

LEC production is just so good.

thank you :)

22 Aug


Originally posted by SolarEquis

hey it's the funny unverified guy

funny? who me?