

12 Apr


Originally posted by itsEOA

Impressive performance from both Rogue and MAD today, and it’s really nice to see some new teams being able to compete at the top of the League.

Long ago, when the pyramids were still young, Egyptian kings played a game of great and terrible power. But these League games erupted into a war between G2 and Fnatic that threatened to destroy the entire world, until a brave and powerful pharoh locked the game away. Imprisoning it within the mystical Mythical Items. Now, 5000 years later, a man named Larssen has overcome his demons. He is infused with ancient magical energies, for destiny has chosen him and his allies to possibly be the New Kings. It’s time to DDDD-Duel!

this is the single best comment i have ever seen, but did you know that armut is the 2 time tcl champion?

09 Apr

03 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


thank you!! i missed vedi on the tricast, but tried my best to bring his voice out in some of the prep that we shared


Originally posted by GenericPlanetMan

I love Ender but game 4 dude just kept ranting about how much damage Caps was doing. He entirely missed that Jayce was the one keeping G2 in the fights. There was LITERALLY a damage graph showing Jayce as top damage dealer and yet I have to hear for 4 minutes how Caps is the only hope for G2 and how he's the only damage dealer

honestly the damage came through so fast in that one teamfight i missed the jayce contribution, thats on me.

i dont think i pushed that caps was the only damage source, my point was that previously, rekkles was the only one close to mad in terms of gold and after that fight and the shutdown caps got, he was another serious threat.

02 Apr


imagine predicting fnatic 3-0 lmao


Originally posted by LongLeggedLimbo

Sjokz: The question is, how far can they make it this year.


sjokz asks rly good questions what can i say?


Originally posted by Javonetor

wtf ender, save some swag for the rest of us

sorry :(

31 Mar

28 Mar

14 Mar


Originally posted by bluekara

Yooo, I see Ender is wearing black nail polish. My buddy always talks about wanting to wear it, but he's too embarrassed. Love that Ender has the confidence to do that

its actually purple today!

12 Mar

06 Mar


Originally posted by whatevenisthatthing2

I don't know how flexible air-time is, but more analysis like this would be awesome, really enjoyed that segment

kinda tough since we spend a lot of time doing pregames for regular season. but as we get into bo5s we will do a ton more!


Originally posted by AComyn

That Ender section was really good


05 Mar


Originally posted by cniq

Ender looking good in that half done makeup though 😳😳😳



Originally posted by Thordenhime

Ender seems quite tall or is Quickshot just short?



Originally posted by LongLeggedLimbo

Will you switch between your g2 windbreaker and rogue jersey mid cast, depending on who has a lead in that moment?

not a bad idea


Because Rogue vs G2 is the Match of the Split

04 Mar


Originally posted by reminderer

bad video, not enough speedcubing

you made me panic thinking i uploaded it to my 10+ y/o speedcubing channel ngl


Originally posted by IAmPont

So how old IS Quickshot?

he would prefer we ask how wise he is


Originally posted by Muted-Building

Just a quick question.

Did you mention rekkles and twitter in the hopes of getting him to retweet the clip because he has 10 times the followers and is actually verified?

If yes, thats actually pretty smart. Good job.

no but if he does i will edit my answer to look like a genius