And the item icon is the ms paint scribble
behold my masterpiece
And the item icon is the ms paint scribble
behold my masterpiece
Oh hell yeah, great work! Which is your favorite of the three, or if that’s too partisan of a question, what are some fun debates held in-office arguing the different options?
The meeting where we made the calls on which concepts we would present for voting was pretty tame, but there have since been some heated debates around what exactly the Eerie Invitation is inviting you to and what yordle bagpipes sound like
Mandatory pro changes are part of the balance framework (I think this is the most recent dev blog about it, but it's a few years old and I don't work on the Live pod so it's possible there's a more recent post or a more recent version). There are other scenarios where champions are changed for pro purposes (e.g. the framework doesn't suggest champions to buff for pro, only champs to nerf), but the must-nerfs come from there.
Using K'Sante as an example case, looking at top 5 regions, on 13.12 he was nerfed and fell to 70% presence (from 80% on the previous patch). 13.13 saw him drop again to 56% presence, and limite...
Read moreEach skin is coded as a completly new champion. They also have another set of champions for ARAM, Arena and such. Elementalist Lux just loads each game with 19 champions (One for each player +10 Luxs), thats why they had a lot of problems with crashes in OFA, the game had to load up to 100 instances of lux for the mirror.
And then on top of that all the damage values have to be placed in the tooltip, extended tooltip, actual damage formula etc. Each time they change one skill to deal 5 extra damage they have to change the number in like 2000 places. I'm sure they have some tools to automte the bulk of it by this point but its a miracle
this doesnt happenwe dont notice this happening more often.
This is not true in any real sense - I imagine this line of thinking probably originates from people talking about Elementalist Lux requiring the loading of a large number of different models (which is true), but from a gameplay perspective things like different skins, a champion in different modes, etc., are all the same, as it should be. There are of course some minor exceptions (e.g. in the past there was a logic fork for Zz'rot that would modify its functionality if the gamemode was Urf to prevent people from spamming infinite portals and pushing), but for the case that's being discussed here it's simply not true - if you want to modify, say, a champion's base damage on a spell, that's literally just changing a number in one file. All the tooltips will pull from that value, and you change it in one place and you're good to go (there are exceptions of course, some calculations are hard to show for tooltips for example so in some cases it will be two values you need to change, bu...
Read moreIs end step a GunZ reference?
Magic reference, to the End Step, the last part of a turn. I haven't really been much into Magic in years though.
hi endstep big fan
holy sh*t is that NIBIRIA I am a HUGE fan
How you gonna talk the man up but not give us this cookie list? How can we properly judge him? And I swear, if they put oatmeal raisin as their top pick...
oatmeal raisin perma F tier
Endstep is the goat. We were on the playtest team together back in 2017 and 18 and I trust him completely because of his extremely accurate and based cafeteria cookie tier lists.
hell yeah
Thanks for the insight
Maybe there’s a middle ground or a mini-game here waiting to happen. I played AP Voli top for fun to try and hit my Nashor-Riftmaker 1v5 split push fantasy, but found the actual fun was in leading enemies into an E-R burst where I’d try to swing that shield+damage lead into a full passive stack engage.
I’d give up all of the raw burst damage if landing E+R was a secret sauce to full passive stacks— I’d still feel amazing for getting that combo down and feel even better knowing that trying to raw R, which already feels kinda meh, isnt the optimal use case.
I am also a pretty big AP Voli fan - enough of a fan to play it for ~75 games straight at one point and have a silly montage made of some plays.
Lutzberg (the designer on the Voli rework) did explore a lot of different ways to scale AP Voli and different avenues to let AP provide power, and the one part of those that ended up shipping was the AP ratio on the passive AS. However, from my recollections of conversations back then (which may not be perfect) as well as my own thoughts here, anything that "cheats" P stacks to max or even grants easier access to max stacks comes at a cost to the power of P, particularly for AP builds. There are very few spells that scale multiplicatively with a single stat, but Voli P scales both the damage and AS with AP, and since AS sc...
Read moreThis was something Voli had in early testing. It's been a while so I may not be remembering everything perfectly, but I believe what we found back then was that letting R stack P meant that the max-stack P payout had to be lower than we wanted and R's damage also had to be meaningfully lower, so we made the choice to unbind P max stack payout from R even though it was a cool fantasy win to grant full stacks on R.
I don't work on PC League anymore so I couldn't tell you the current thinking there but I suspect the same concerns would probably exist for this mechanic today. The bigger concern is around the P max payout, where it should be a really powerful and satisfying moment, and if you can "cheat" your way there instantly with R then there's much less gating on it and necessarily it can't carry as much power or satisfaction.
map...It was the first time someone seriously asked the question "if you go all the way off the map on one side, do you come out of the other side like Pacman?"
Well do you?
You do not. But maybe one day.
So original prowlers claw was literally teleports behind you nothing personal kid?
view 20 match histories and get one free
I found this successful attempt (from 2 years ago) to play with a Rioter:
Hey, that's me!
The Game Analysis Team (GAT) are real lifesavers sometimes (all of the time). They're great people and real value
Right but changing a lifesteal item from 10 to 8 percent for example, should not result in an 80% lifesteal buff lol no idea how that even happened.
Other things like viego and sylas interactions are understandable because of how complex their champion is.
It's not that complicated. Lifesteal is represented internally as a decimal - 8% lifesteal is .08, so naturally if you miss a decimal place or typo and put in .80 instead you end up with 80% lifesteal instead of the intended 8%. I've worked as a professional software dev before (though it's not what I do at Riot) and I can tell you that this type of error is quite common, particularly when trying to do fast iteration and push things into a testable environment (which is exactly what happened here).
In League, most of this stuff doesn't get seen by a wide audience though as it never goes to PBE and is fixed before it leaves internal environments. This is one small case where the list was shipped to PBE immediately and so was seen (and was certainly disruptive to PBE games). A parallel here to non-game dev is that you wouldn't see this type of error in other software like web pages, mobile apps, etc., because they don't have publicly-facing non-prod environments of any kind ...
Read moreI'll be doing a full video over it. The nitty gritty though, I simply contacted Swimbananas, her dm's are literally open on twitter. Ultimately whenever someone tells me they are something or someone I go with it for their sake and if they continue to be around me I try and get the truth on the matter. I worked with rioters, got their approval and we were good to go! Truth is, I never believed her in the first place.
Edit: It also doesn't help there is a Riot Lily and Riot Lilith with one L. There's no way Riot would be okay with such a similar name.
I'm not an expert on the topic, but I don't think there's much (if any) policy around "similarity of Rioter names." There are at least two Riot Penguins, and probably a variety of other similar and/or exact match Riot names. Situations where that matters just don't really come up (the only situation I can think of was some humorous confusion around which Riot Penguin was being referenced in a random normal game I was playing).
I don't understand it at all. Aren't mana buffs like that better for low elo and players newer to the champion who aren't as experienced managing mana? Isn't that the exact wrong part of the Illaoi playerbase in need of buffs?
It depends on many factors - in many cases this is true, though not always (e.g. when Darius' mana costs were raised in 10.6, his drop in winrate was relatively flat across different MMR brackets). In particular mages tend to exhibit this most, though of course it depends a lot on which champion, which spell's mana cost, and so on.
This particular case is interesting because Illaoi is one of the most (if not the most) mana-constrained fighter, so the expectation is that mana likely isn't skewed towards newer players/lower MMR players given that unlike on less mana-constrained champions, more skilled Illaoi players still have to opt into mana itemization/rune choices and still run oom with better skill usage. It is a scaling buff which tends to favor low MMR (level scaling is more impactful later in the game, games in low MMR last longer on average) so that might mean there's a light low MMR skew here for a separate reason but typically mana/level buffs don't exhibit this v...
Read moreYeah, getting rid of the weave spell is kinda disappointing.
I understand that Riot left out cc on purpose, and their justification makes sense, I just wish that the seamstress felt more... seamstress-y, rather than a kid running around with scissors.
It's true that part of why we didn't go forward with one of the various "thread-attachment" ults (even though they were very cool and a slam dunk on the thematic) is because they were very heavy on cc and pushed Gwen away from the skirmisher space, but there were also other reasons.
The coolest version in my opinion, which is the one shown in the gif in this article, also had an issue where it needed Gwen to input multiple different directional commands back-to-back which didn't fit well with the base kit which already asks you to do that (both Q and E are high-frequency directional casts that are often cast on different vectors). So while it was super fun to use in isolation, it was very demanding of the player to manage casting Q + E + R1 + R2 all in a short timeframe given they were typically all in different directions and some required high precision (mostly the R casts). One of the big advantages of the final ultimate, even though it has three casts instead of two, is...
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