

22 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The effect is not eye adaptation, which is a post processing screen effect. It is not about your eyes adjusting. It is about going into a dark house and it being dark. Ambient light from outside should not be brightening up a dark basement or mine shaft, so ambient is decreased when you go indoors. The old block darkening was buggy and slow, so it was disabled and replaced with the current system, which may or may not be what is in gold.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hopefully everyone can get it now, since Steam just installed it for me.

18 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Next year. We have been working on other things.

17 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The higher your FOV, the more fish eyed it gets. Decreasing FOV should help, but you will see less.

16 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wandering hordes randomly skim along the edge of where a player is, so maybe you just got (un)lucky and they have not been noticing you?

That would be an interesting thing to bring in closer as their target's GS increases.

15 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 Yes!

2 Nothing much atm other than the weather should change at a consistent rate.

3 The goal of these changes is to make it run faster, look better and not get stuck on ugly conditions. Rain comes and goes in a clean fashion. Snow looks pretty sweet now.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

You don't rewrite all your game code for each new release/update. That would be crazy. 95%+ is the same code.

Now you might rewrite a system, but that is often overkill too. I am updating the Weather Manager, not rewriting it. Maybe 40% of the code has been touched.

We are not planning on doing altitude changes for any of it.

All creations by a person/company are automatically the copyright owner by default (in the USA anyway), unless stated otherwise.

10 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've been working on weather manager cleanup and now starting on the simulation, so hopefully less gloomy days.

09 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I can look at that at some point, but busy with other things now.

A lot of complicated code. For all the people who complain about lack of optimizations, if there were none it would be unplayable.

01 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

None of that should be set in stone yet. Once RWG changes are further along, we can see where memory use is at and fix what needs to be fixed.
Edit: Robert says 4k is still possible, so we will probably have that too.

26 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The pathing distance limit is horizontal. They can only path about 40m out. Farther and they just go in a straight line to the edge of the path grid.
I dug to bedrock in Navezgane and BM day 7 spawns came above me and started digging down. They do a lot of moving and stumbling in addition to digging, so it can take them a while if you don't have a ton of zombies.

That is code, so would be me, but doubt it will change anytime soon. I tend to forget that is even a feature.

25 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

None of that has been done yet, so it remains to be seen how it will work.

19 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, death penalty is still too low. I've been gimped before and unlucky with finding a fix, so when I died it was "yay", no more gimpiness.

It would be interesting to increase the penalty, but have a respawn with no penalty option, but at a distant random location, so you have to run back empty handed through whatever is out there.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is not an exact science, since Unity does a lot of things in the background that we don't have control over.

1 Depends on the asset, but everything uses some CPU and many assets use system RAM or VRAM or both. Unloading also tends to be delayed because many resources are not specifically tracked by the game and flushed by Unity by UnloadUnusedAssets, which is slow, so not called very often.

2 Only the gfx driver and Windows really know how much VRAM is in use and VRAM use is often padded to a higher amount that what it actually needs. Microsoft is working on tech t

17 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't know yet. There is a good chance doors will retain zero SI.

16 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry. Don't know. I have never looked at our rumble code.

We could, but probably better to wait for world events to get developed and have options for that.

Cool. Thanks for the feedback!

It could go either way. Probably depends if we find any major issues.

13 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not by me. Just optimizing it.

12 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Specifically, I've been profiling the game and our MinEvent system, which has to do with processing all the rules in our xml files, like progression.xml, continues to take a good amount of CPU.

A good example is every 2 seconds an action tries to remove fire particles off the player, which was slow and made some garbage because it checked all the player transforms (200+). Now entities have a list of active particle effects, so basically takes zero time. The transform find function is also faster now and makes no garbage.

A19.3 has some optimizations, but these changes a

11 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, was off last two days on a trip to Michigan.

Been working on event system optimizations.

19.3 exp is getting close.

06 Nov

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't know as that is not stuff I have worked on. Don't think there have been any code changes yet for it.