


    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ladder attach code was not changed. There was a bug fix with jumping vs falling causing differing amounts of damage, so maybe that effected it. I use jump ladders all the time, so I certainly don't want them nerfed and if they were, it would not be to work half the time.

22 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh, we have watched plenty of streamers. Answer the occasional questions.

My daughter and I played about 3 hours last night. The plan was to go to the burnt forest based on my vague recollection of the RWG map. Not gotten there yet. Did the dig quest at Rekt and hit the road. Total nomads. No chests. Carry the basics and make the hard choices on what to keep. Made wasteland be the middle.

We did the tier 4 Aranea Caverns, which was a lot of fun having to be careful and outwit the zombies (nice job Earl). My usual agility build and she strength. We will make a base in either burnt forest or maybe move on through to desert. First horde will be on the roof of some building.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It defaults to DX11. DX12 is not useful in our limited testing. The mention of DX12 should not even be in the notes.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Simple. Time. Steve and I did work on them early A21, but on the schedule for A21 and then 1.0, there was no time to get them to the quality level desired, so delayed.

21 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Probably. On Windows, settings are in registry under the game name and the game name is the same.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sleeper volumes now have a basic scripting system called Min Script. It is just a list of commands. There are commands to spawn, wait x amount of seconds or wait for a zed count and play a sound. At some point i would like to add looping with a count and reuse of sleeper spawn points.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is exactly how I play games. Generally getting bored at 30-40 hours. I will make it to 60 if they keep me entertained enough. I come back to No Man's Sky like once a year to try the new updates. A new World of Warcraft expansion will hold me for maybe 2 months, then 6 month break and back for 1 or 2 months and repeat. Maybe once a year for Terraria or Avorion. Every 2 years for some others. Too many games to play.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't know if that is an area we would want to focus on. The roadmap is full. End of year of coming fast.

20 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

AI has had little changes in the last year.

Maybe. It is being looked at right now.

16 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

New wolf is in game. Bear is waiting for me to recreate the prefab with the new mesh and adjust the colliders and ragdoll bones and test, which has to wait until I am not loaded down with bugs. Allan knows the process now, so he may get to it before me, but also is slammed with work.

I don't know the state of the art for chicken/snake/vulture as I have my priorities on the game running well.

I also forgot the rigging an artist does, which is often a different artist than who made the mesh. Also anims are different if they changed the bones or just want to do new ones, which is often another artist.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Lathan has an RTX 3080 and was using 4k res with ultra preset and streaming. Not a combination for a great FPS, but they wanted highest quality, not FPS. Opaque glass is also not going opaque right now, so no occlusion for objects behind it, which loses some FPS.

I use a 3070ti with high preset and find it works best at 1440 with the new FSR Ultra setting. Better FPS and quality than at 4k with FSR High, but people will have to experiment for what works best for them.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

16 high priority MFs now, so not bad.

The floating armor is from being ragdolled. Unity's rig constraints are doing something dumb that needs to be refreshed. I have that bug.

Maybe someday.

Wheel rotation looks fine for the driver as the physics are local to the driver. It is the network syncing that needs improvement.

15 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Some. Updated vehicles have less drag, so they coast more, but gravity then makes them roll downhill faster. I have a ticket for it. I will be increasing drag, when no driver.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't know. Too many variables.

No happening. We are still working on a lot of bugs and tweaks. Hopefully the 24th.

Sounds like something for a sequel.

12 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Probably not for experimental. Maybe for stable or post stable.

Edit: Allan just tested and shows in green.

09 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Highest and High are 3, 26, which are the ones we are trying to fix before experimental. Those numbers generally go up at first as it usually takes less time to find bugs, than fix them.

In some cases you fix a bug, but then it comes back to you. Like I fixed the mountain lions rear end jittering when turning, but then they found a case where it does it when sliding around cars, so have to figure that one out. Cue funny remarks...

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, not planning to add bees or other insects. Bandits are planned, but while we are not doing followers, there could be friendly NPCs that attack bandits.

We will not be doing kids.

Thanks for playing!

Boss ideas are not discarded. Those are simply things we are not thinking about right now. Bandits need to be in a good place before I concern myself with special ones.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is an older bug ticket for it, but it was never a MF as does not happen that often and does not break games. We have much worse things to fix.

05 Jun

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep, dyes work.