I'd give it a 95% a20 will be on U2020 LTS.
I'd give it a 95% a20 will be on U2020 LTS.
I would think not for horde zombies. If you ran into a POI on horde night, then POI zeds would follow sense rules? Be a while before this gets worked on.
We pool a lot of stuff, but you often get spikes anyway. Even changing parent from the pool to another owner can cause spikes.
Instantiating after the first time is typically cheaper, since Unity keeps resources around, so instantiate is often not that bad.
Unity 2020.3 LTS released today and in testing so far has been working great and in general, due to optimizing, the game is running quite well now.
It is not about distance or rendering or scripts. All those GameObjects and their components are expensive to create, which means lag spikes. It need further analysis to find all the slow parts and find solutions for each.
As Blake_ had said, there are many issues with that.
The main overhead is instantiating the entity, not AI or animation. There are ways to speed up spawning and they are not trivial, but it will probably be improved at some point.
Y is about 1m, but it varies depending if up or down. Y is low because I don't want AI spawning in rooms above or below you and dropping your FPS. We may possibly do some type of entity caching before we go gold.
It is 8m in XZ for them to start spawning. Don't know what you mean by calculated in.
1 How they will work has not been determined. Trigger traps will probably be the same, but at some point stealth may add a chance they don't trigger.
1b Sleepers work how they do for performance reasons. They don't spawn until you are near the sleeper volume. That has not changed in a20, but as the game gets more optimized, some of those rules may be relaxed.
2 Those spikes have no colliders, they are just cosmetic, so removing them won't change collisions,
1 We have talked about it. We have a shark model/anims, but don't know that it will ever get used. Maybe some bored day in the future looking for fun....
2 Mod, no, but we have a raft model and someday it would be nice to added it as a vehicle. I'd like to see a heavy water map eventually.
3 Can't think of any awesome, but my bar is high.
1 Increases the normal and turbo speed caps, so it lets you move faster.
2 No plans, but it could be done by increasing wheel torque, but don't think I'm changing that for a20.
It will add more seats to a vehicle. The 4x4 is the one I will be doing first. The others will depend on how much time I have and if they look ok bolting a person on and if not, then will need model changes, which means artists and more time.
Sure. I know exactly nothing about what they have planned.
No visual changes other than the cosmetic mods (dyes) tint parts of the vehicle. The headlight mod does make more light.
Some of them.
Storage changes are not trivial. Maybe after a20.
The mods I listed are all a20 will probably have. I spent today getting them enabled, icons set, tags set, slot counts set, fuel tank working and fixed a UI bug. Bicycle has 2 slots and it goes up from there for the other vehicles, but none of the 5 will probably be enabled for the bicycle anyway. The seat mod needs code still.
These are the planned vehicle mods:
Fuel Saver - Works
Off Road Headlights - Works
Super Charger - Works
Expanded Seat - TODO
Reserve Fuel Tank - Working on today
None of them are fully done, since they still need icons, schematics and put in loot lists.
Drone should be in a20.
Sure, we could do a lot of things, but that is low priority.
Each pregen world adds 300 MB to the install size, so we would probably stick with shipping just 3 for now.
The pregen maps will be regenerated using the newer RWG, so they should be totally different.
Unity released 2020.2.5 today, which actually fixed some weird profiler UI behavior and a profler error, both of which I was getting, so good job Unity!
It is potentially a lot of programming changes and the programmer who will probably be doing it is working on a lot of RWG changes.
How about: Optimized terrain updating