

28 Sep


Originally posted by Karibuu9

This looks phenomenal. The effects, the aesthetic, everything looks great! Great work! One question, how do next-gen consoles hold up in terms of effects and graphics?

We (well I say we but actually way smarter and more skilled people than me really) are working on that to make sure it looks good wherever you play :)


Originally posted by gilleard

Can't wait! I haven't seen anywhere confirm, but will the Beta have crossplay enabled? Thanks!

We'll get into those details as we get closer!


Originally posted by LLPlanetary

Is the commo rose (the voice line menu for stuff like “I need ammo!” or “I meed a ride!”) returning?

Yup there is a commo rose!


Originally posted by Cr4z33-71

Will you or some other colleague be online from time to time during the Early Beta for some live chat feedback? 😄

I'll most likely be playing with you all! But i'll be extra active on twitter and reddit during it :)


Originally posted by Leonhart_13

It looks amazing! If you don't mind me asking about the rocket launch succeeding/failing, do you anticipate it'll be a 50/50 split? Or is it like Siege of Shanghai where, once everybody figured out how to take down the tower, it got destroyed in every game?

I don't wanna give too much away yet, but I can tell you I actively wanted to avoid the Siege of Shanghai scenario where you could trigger it right away. The rocket and its launch is automated, but maybe players and/or a storm can impact the outcome ;)


Originally posted by kalletheslayer

Let's gooo!! Can't wait to hear what you all think :D Hit me with all the feedback next week!

As the Orbital level designer I can mainly answer questions and discuss feedback regarding the map itself, though I will still pass on other feedback too ofc :)


Let's gooo!! Can't wait to hear what you all think :D Hit me with all the feedback next week!

20 Sep

18 Aug


Originally posted by namdez0007

u/kalletheslayer Is there any chance this will get fixed before launch?

Already fixed by u/DRUNKKZ3 and team!


Originally posted by havingasicktime

Whoever made Orbital, already love that map! Can't wait to try out Renewal!

I’m the designer on that one too :D

17 Aug


Originally posted by GunSlingerAUS

May I just say thank you for taking the time to post here. Looking forward to spending many months enjoying the fruits of your labour, especially as I'm an Australian enduring my 6th lockdown.

Happy to be here :) Can’t wait to hear what you think, and stay safe!


Originally posted by WinTurkey

Would you consider an AMA at some point after the game comes out and you can talk about the maps?

Would love to! Especially Renewal and Orbital since those are the ones i’ve designed. Will see what I can do after launch :)


Originally posted by suika_suika

Is it just you that works on the map? Or is there a whole team? Regardless the maps look so good visually. Super inspiring. Can't wait to see all of them!

No, while i'm the level designer a level pod usually also consists of a 3D artist and 2 level artists. But ofc we have other departments doing a bunch of work (like lighting, vfx, sfx, qa etc) as well as other level/3D artists and designers helping out with various stuff.

As a level designer I usually block out areas, work with all the departments to make sure we are synced and am also responsible for the game modes etc. Among other things, I guess in short I am responsible for the gameplay :D


Originally posted by sterrre

Definitely gonna be pineapples though, right?

I'll let you all experience it first hand ;)


Originally posted by BleedingUranium

But are there any pretty bananas growing in the agricultural half of the map? :3

No bananas, but there might be other surprises :D


Originally posted by sterrre

u/kalletheslayer haven't seen much but from what we have seen it looks like it's gonna be a fun map.

I hope so! This was a challenging map since the premise is pretty bananas, but i'm happy with the end result so I hope you'll enjoy it :D

11 Aug


Originally posted by chemtr4ils

btw i ll only be able to play on ps4, does that mean some maps will have some points removed? Because if not idk how anything can change between 64 and 128 players, take caspian border for example, it has 5 points but they're very condensed, if you reduce the border limits of this map it does not change anything to the gameplay because 90% of the players are just in a relatively small area compared to the huge map caspian is, however, on a map like breakaway which will feature a ton of points far from each other, will some points just be removed to scale the map down?

Yeah exactly, on ps4 it has it's own borders to make sure it plays well for 64 players instead where we remove certain areas, but we have tried as best as we can to include the iconic features on each map no matter where you play. For example the rocket on orbital is included on both old and new consoles :)


Originally posted by chemtr4ils

how big this renewal map will be? comparable to previous bf games? it looks absolutely stunning, i'm already seeing the breakthrough mode through the huge door

In BF2042 I think it's medium size, a few times bigger than Arras for example


Originally posted by UltraPlayGaming

Do you think the other level designers will be able to give more detail on the other maps now that you are allowed to? I would love to hear more about the Antarctica map and the Singapore map since we haven’t heard a ton regarding them either.

Don't think either of them are very active on social media so don't think they will pop up here or on twitter, but also i'm not really saying more than we have already shown. I can talk more about the maps I've worked on as we reveal more etc at least!


Originally posted by iCaps_

You made Iwo Jima? It's so good.

Easily one of my favorite maps in all of Battlefield. Quick question, who's idea was it to put AI troops on the outskirts of the map by the beachhead on the right side? It was genius. Made the map that much more "lived in". Hopefully, we see more of that in these new maps!

Together with one of the artists on Renewal too! So 50% of the level pod is from Iwo Jima on this one :D And thank you so much!! Hmm I think it was from the VFX team actually, if I remember correctly. And yeah I agree, ambient warfare always help making the world feel more alive!