It's all good, we take it to heart when you appreciate the content we make :D
It's all good, we take it to heart when you appreciate the content we make :D
As designed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Good find, and totally my bad. I'll fix it and make sure it get's in a future patch!
Thanks for the kind words. All credit goes to u/kalletheslayer for Iwo Jima!
I personally had nothing to do with this awesomeness.
<3 <3 <3
How close do you moniter win rates? Because in 15 games I have never lost the first set of objectives.
Everyone talks about how cool defending the mountain is but I havent had a single chance as we completely stonewall and destroy the attackers every single time.
I am so amazed by everything in this update that it leaves me kinda sad that the part i wanted to experience the most hasnt even happened once =(
After a couple of days when we have enough data and people have learned the map we should be able to see if there are any problematic areas. Hopefully you will experience the whole map soon though!
Wow, that is no small praise. Thank you so much, i'm so happy you enjoy it <3
I noticed the parent to a comment I answered got deleted so some information got lost, so I figured I would post this as a standalone comment too :)
The playable area is bigger than Hamada, for comparison. It looks small because of the scale, since we wanted to reimagine Iwo Jima with suribachi being as big and epic as possible with you feeling like a small part of a big assault around the whole island. In the old Iwo Jima map where the whole island was playable, suribachi was more like a hill. Here we wanted to have the feeling of pushing towards an actual mountain. We made the scale of the island about 70% of the real Iwo Jima (and keep in mind that Iwo Jima is about 8 km long, 4 km wide and suribachi almost 170 meter high). So what looks like a small area is actually pretty large when you play, with lots of opportunities for both vehicles and infantry.
Thanks for your input slayer. So are you saying that around the playable area we will see combat happening, like pther landing boats and such, to give the sense of a larger battle taking place? Im just concerned that theres not going to be much use for tanks if half the map is in mountainous tunnels...
Only the A and B flags are in the tunnels. The rest are more favorable for tanks, especially D, E and F :)
Thank you for clarifying! I guess this image is what’s throwing everyone off. Can’t wait to play Thursday
Yeah I totally get it, they are totally valid concerns which is why I wanted to clarify :D Can't wait to hear what you think on Thursday!
When you say the playable Part is bigger than Hamada do you mean only the Landmass or also the Ocean Part? Because the Ocean Part is very Big and that would mean that the Infantry and Vehicle Part is maybe 60% of that. I’m sorry to questioning the Size if the Map but the last couple of Maps were all Infantry Focused and pretty small. I just want that Battlefield Feeling again
Without the ocean part! I can measure a more exact comparison tomorrow, but it is not a small map by any means :D. But I totally get what you mean and we are trying to invoke that feeling again with the pacific
They made it 70% of the actual Size from what I’ve read and Iwo Jima is a really small Island. And the playable Part is not really Big here. We have to wait how it plays out but it seems that it’s just medium sized
Luckily I can provide some information! The playable area is bigger than Hamada. It looks small because of scale, because we wanted to reimagine Iwo Jima with suribachi being as big and epic as possible with you feeling like a small part of a big assault around the whole island. In the old Iwo Jima map where the whole island was playable, suribachi was more like a hill. Here we wanted to have an actual mountain that you push towards. You are correct about making the Island about 70% of the real size, but keep in mind that Iwo Jima is about 8 km long and 4 km wide and suribachi almost 170 meter high.
American planes spawn on carriers and Japanese planes on runways =D
I hope so! I always saw the beach landing almost as a prologue sector and the last push towards the summit as an epilogue, so it's fun to see it getting some love. Hopefully it's liked by everyone when it goes live on thursday :D
Damn right it will! As soon as I started blocking out the flags I knew we had to push the amount of sectors. Also raising the flag on the summit would only feel justified after a gritty lengthy adventure ;)
My personal favorite!
Hey I know that map 👀
A lot of love went into these maps (Iwo Jima in my case), I can't wait to hear what you all think of it on release :)
When does it launch? The 3rd?
3rd is correct :D
Can't wait to grind this out with you all, LET'S GET IT!