

13 Jun


Originally posted by MartianGeneral

"Map feels half of what it should be"

It feels too small especially after you experience Frontlines or Breakthrough. Whenever I play CQ on Mercury, I feel as if the teams have been pushed into a tiny part of the map with a huge area begging to be explored. I also feel the village area needs to be 1 larger flag that is in the center of the map alongside radio.

Which locations do you feel should have been part of the map?

Ruins and Supply Docks IMO are the most interesting locations that have been omitted from CQ and which could fit quite well into the layout. Supply docks just feels very classic in terms of design and Ruins fits the theme of Mercury extremely well and playing in and around ruins on FL and Domination is an absolute blast!

I'd say the Island would be interesting too but since there are no water vehicles nor is the island connected to the main land in any way, I think it would ...

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Thanks for sharing!


Originally posted by [deleted]

The island definitely.

Oh yeah, I've read that a few times. Noted! :)


Originally posted by h_adl_ss

Since you're a mp level designer I'll just hijack this to tell you that I absolutely love mercury and that you and the team did a awesome job :) (first base on breakthrough needs a rework though)

I didn't work on Mercury, but I'm happy you like it! :) I'll forward your feedback!


Originally posted by battlefieldman1942

They aren’t going to re work a map 8 months after launch especially with new ones comming . I use to hate fjell but I tolerate it now . Narvik and aerodrome though ... I rather have my eyes gouged out

What do you dislike about Aerodrome and Narvik?

07 Jun


Originally posted by PintsizedPint

I very quickly go into spending way too much time tweeting and on reddit once I start

Oh yeah it can become a huge sinkhole of time pretty quick.

Yeah for sure! Is it the same for you?



That road sign seems like it was placed there on-purpose just to mess with peoples sight lines. Its perfect.


Originally posted by mcgeezacks

You guys post more then any other dev team that I've seen. Thanks for the hard work.

Edit: I just want to point out for some of you that I used the words "that I've seen", because yes, I'm sure there are other subs with very active devs but I'm never there so I wouldnt know. But for me, they are the most active that I've seen personally.

Thank you! I feel like I'm a bit spotty with it, wish I could be more active.

Its hard to be present at an sustainable level though, I very quickly go into spending way too much time tweeting and on reddit once I start.


"Map feels half of what it should be"

Could you elaborate on this a little bit? :)

"Most of the interesting locations are omitted"

Which locations do you feel should have been part of the map?


But... we post, don't we? I feel like I do at least.

I mean I am right now, right?


I love it, when can you start as the new character concept artist director?

05 Jun

31 May


Originally posted by Hayt_

I know Mercury is still fresh out the oven but that currently underused ruin area on the British side looks a little fortress-y to me.



Originally posted by The_James_Spader

It felt like I could build sandbag fortifications anywhere, I like that, kinda of like playing company of heroes. I like the ability to build more trenches though probably not everywhere due to technical limitations. The scaffolding on the church was very nice, need more of that on conquest. The ramps being built is also very nice and we should be able to build those mostly anywhere. Is that what you are looking for?

Yeah, I guess the answer is just more interesting stuff and in more places. :)


Originally posted by Garbear119

-More tickets. Tickets go by so fast that the games are done in 5 minutes if the attackers can't get an objective.

-More cover at spawn in Hamada. Getting mowed down by MMGs and Snipers right at spawn isn't all that fun.

-More routes for attacking or flanking. Everyone has a tendency to try and zerg rush A, which just results in hemorrhaging tickets and no progress being made unless your team is really good or the other team is bad.

  1. I agree. I'm thinking... 50 ish more? 75 maybe?
  2. Yeah, I'll do that.
  3. I'll see what I can do. :)

Originally posted by KingGeo_WTF

Overall I loved it. But I think Hamada needed slightly better design for the attackers flanking options. Either a second option to the left or a bit more environmental protection on the right.

I agree, thanks! :)


Originally posted by byfo1991

I so dig this idea - Fortress (much more heavily reinforced last objective) would be a great addition. But I would actually more prefer it in Grand Ops.

As a replacement of the Conquest Assault that is in the Africa Operation? Would you rather have it be the last sector of a longer Breakthrough layout or just the Fortress part?


Originally posted by bozzeak

I absolutely loved the experience of fortress and really hope it returns! The focus on infantry and the constant, intense fighting really felt like a war. The only things I could suggest is maybe some more possible flanking routes? For most of my games, on the winning or losing side, if the defenders are good the entire match is just the attackers running up the same path and getting mowed down, especially on the devastation map..I know there are flanking paths already but they seem hard to access at points and the boundaries on the map are very restrictive..and also, as other people have noted, maybe a slight increase in tickets to make it last a bit more?

I'll see what I can do about flanking - I am careful not go too far with that. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Billxgates

Absolutely loved this mode and would love to see more of it. Having to build up and defend a static location like this really had that WW2 feeling for me. It reminded me of reading about the stories such as Hill 400 and fort style pushes.

Would love to see something like the assault of Castle Itter.

I enjoyed having planes and tanks available on Hamada. I really thought that they were manageable from a defense standpoint but I accept that maybe an extra AA spot wouldn’t hurt for the defenders.

I really can’t wait to see what comes next if you choose to develop this mode more in the future.

Thank you for your post! :) I'll have to google some of the references you said - I recognize Itter but not Hill 400 I think... hmm..


Originally posted by LoZz27

  1. Fantasy = I'd say it didn't feel like that. I think the problem is that it was the same maps with some extra sandbags and it was hard to see past that. I think if the fortifications were done to a bit more of an "overkill" with even more steps/barriers/wire etc it would help. Less fixed weapon in-placements. more barriers that the attacks need to blow up.
  2. The small scale, large player base around very clear attack/defending roles i really liked. I think devastation was the far better map then hamada. I think it works better in an environment with more cover, hamada was to open for the attackers. Lots of cover for both on devastation made it work
  3. Hamada didn't work. the attacks should never have spawned infront of of fix gun in placements. The attackers did not have enough cover to get to the A flag and the cliff was again to much of a hindrance
  4. as a side note. no aircraft. the bombers ruined it for both sides imho. A tank for the attackers works a...
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  1. Thanks for sharing! I'll see what I can do.
  2. Nice! A lot of my time was spent just trying to do that - give people very clear roles. I'm very happy that you thought it worked. :)
  3. I agree - I'll take a look at what I can do with the attacker situation - overall I think its clear that the balance is a bit off and that resulted in quite some frustration.
  4. None at all? A single aircraft for attackers and more AA for defenders, would that be OK?
  5. Agreed!
  6. Thanks for your post!

Originally posted by breaktimehero

Just to start out u/legmek amazing job on the game type! When I played this mode I actually enjoyed it the most out of any game mode so far! clear front lines had been established (really gave that battle immersion I was looking for) and it really took a good amount of team work to push the defenders back! I know many have said it's a defenders dream but smoke and arty really do work on the entrenched defenders as long as you coordinate well! At least with my buddies that I play with if you get one communicating squad in the lines things start to unravel for the defenders. Hamada had an almost D-Day feel to it and I absolutely loved it!

Fortress Positives:

  • Gave a front line combat immersion (the calm before the storm feeling in most WWII movies at the start)
    • Saving Private Ryan (D-day scene and bridge defense at Ramelle)
    • Enemy at the Gates ( Red Square opening scene)
    • Battle of the Bulge (Ge...
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Thank you for an extremely informative, well-written and interesting post! :)

I'll see if I can add some more AT guns, trenches and fox holes - and increasing the ticket counts by a small bump sounds like a pretty good idea too!

I'd love if I could do stuff like give defenders a time in the beginning to do that - if we were to expand the mode, things like that would be super cool to do. :)

Extra double thanks for the inspiring list of places that could be used! :)