

14 Dec

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

The people who write a negative review after 1000's of hours about the game being in alpha too long, are the same people who will criticize you for going gold with bugs or unpolished elements still in the game. Clearly the guy is angry the game is more addictive than ever but he's too busy wiping butts and changing diapers to get any quality time with his PC and favorite game.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are changing living off the land 2 to give you a 50% chance of another crop so its exactly between rank 1 and 3.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I scrap every weapon of the same class and buy tier 1 verisons from the trader and scrap them to get enough parts. It's worth it.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just use some self restraint and don't do any repeat quests. Turn off loot respawn. It's not perfect but role playing through self restraint can solve problems. Its a multiplayer game we can't not reset POIs for new players to experience it.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Awesome you put that mod together so fast. We're still discussing potential designs. Glad you like A20!

09 Dec

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Doesn't it bump up the loot stage?

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

They eat sh*t, so infection should be common lol.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm not sure if it was done but I told them to make steroids debuff all broken leg movement penalties so it has late game value. Maybe that didn't make it in?

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Na, it's not a bug. Infection comes from wolves too and they aren't zombies.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Blackstrap uses gunpowder not acid.

08 Dec

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah we would like an option to keep some of the debuffs and stats the same, but the problem is some of them are so bad they could put the player in a death loop, so there is no easy way to pick what debuffs stay and which ones don't or what levels they are set to, etc.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I agree that intellect needs a bit more yet, but that is the nature of unlock perks.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm not dumb enough to do that lol, so I'm still happy. Don't start crafting seeds until you get living off the land rank 3.
Loot seeds, plant seeds, profit. I had 5 rows 5 long all full of stuff growing at one point with no perks.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Acid is more rare, but most of it's recipes are pretty high end. Try the chemical piles.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

You aren't a farmer until you unlock rank 3 then you can sustain a large farm. Until then the intended use case is to plant free seeds you found, grow a crop and get free food, then if you are lucky you get a seed back on harvest and can replant it. I had one corn go like 5x in a row before the seed quit once, I was quite happy. So no don't craft seeds, go looting. Craft seeds when you hit rank 3 then it might pay off.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nope, they completely bypass the natural progression that gives the player a feeling of accomplishment. WIthout needs and desires, the game is boring so I had them make them ALL broken. Now when you finally craft one or buy one you feel extremely rewarded instead of meh I'm already at late game tech because I found a trader with all the workstations intact on day 1. @%$# that.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is an interesting principal. I just pitched yesterday how to make looting your 45th cooking pot more interesting, and all workstation mods to be more specific. Lets give them quality so they reduce cooking time by x%, or do whatever %better as the quality goes up, then cooking pots beyond the first one are interesting to check the stats on and useful for more than scrap iron.
Because that first cooking pot is a hell yes, and the 2nd and everyone after that you feel meh about and wish it wasn't even in loot any more and you had found something else. This solves that and makes late game cooking / forging even better because all the mods would be rescaled.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

The glass is half empty or half full. I used my seed, got a crop from it, so I'm happy. Having a 50% chance to get a free seed again? I'm super happy with that!

I played an agility build and found the bow to be completely useless so I had them buff the damage.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

I play tested b186 and it was nothing like this, so unless they changed some stuff in the last few weeks this doesn't sound right at all. How are you on day 28? It has barely been out that long with 1 hour days. Then I read your on day 34? It hasn't been out for 34 hours dude. So some settings you have might be changing it? Loot bags seem to be about 1 in 50 or so for me and rarely have bullets.

    madmole on Forums - Thread - Direct

Exactly. People proposing changes cannot have enough time in yet to even make an informed decision about the balance. It takes 50+ hours to get a feel for how many seed you will loot and how scared your cupboards actually are. Once you get an auger and enough bullets and a vehicle and some decent meals you don't burn crap for calories and the cupboards start filling up, depending on play style of course.