

01 Feb

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by GB: Is there a way to reduce it as very annoying to have viability halved depending on your side.

Sorry, it's not possible.

31 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can check if they're bots by looking at the scoreboard. Any single names where you cannot check their profile means they're a bot.

30 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, this is the decals for January 2022.

As for new ones coming, stay tuned.

Welcome to the second War Thunder Guide Contest on Steam!
Welcome to the second guide contest on Steam! Following on from the success of the first contest, we’re doing another one. What do you need to do? Create a guide on Steam for newer and older players alike, and if you’re picked as a winner by our judges, you will earn prizes. Let's start!

From 30th January until 27th February: Creat...
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    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Gone... for the unforeseeable future. No information if it will come back. The next Chinese New Year is Feb 2024.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Squishie: who thought this was ok to be put in matches to be farmed by panthers, tigers, 34-85's

Switz? Do you mean Swedish?

For the whole month, you will have 8 tasks available to you one by one. Completion of each task will award you with a trophy containing a reward, while completing all tasks will award you with a unique in-game player icon.
A detailed description of the current task as well as your overall progress can be found by clicking on your nickname → Achievements → Pages of History

Reward for completing all 8 tasks
Norman Schwarzkopf American general who commanded American and European forces during the Gulf war. Under his leadership the coalition reached all its goals with minimal casualties: Kuwait was liberated, and the Iraqi army was decimated. Upon retu... Read more

26 Jan


  • BR changes[] come into effect.
  • Pr.183 BM-21 — arming distance setting option has been temporarily disabled for the M-21OF rockets.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

24 Jan


  • A bug has been fixed which prevented armor fragmentation after penetration.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

23 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zohan Dwir: This sucks, I paid for battle pass, but in the end I had like 2 weeks of play with it. It's almost fraudulent selling to sell something with expiry date 2 weeks before expiry at the same price as 3 months. I've seen something about some coupons, which I don't have. What a rip off.

I can understand your frustration, however you can check in-game how long left of the BP before you buy it. It says at the top in the BP screen:

Battle Pass "Smell of Victory" (until January 25, 2023 12:00).
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, this is a bug, the developers are aware and working on it.

Based on collected feedback regarding ground vehicles, we have decided to make additional changes that consist of transferring some of the top and pre-top ranked vehicles to a higher level. This change does not apply to all top ranked vehicles. Based on the results of the change in performance efficiency, further adjustments to the BR (increase or decrease) will be carried out for units affected by the change and also for units that also haven’t changed rating at that time.

It has also been decided to abandon some of the points regarding the reduction of BR in AB for vehicles with HEAT shells with high penetration at their rank. Except for the Ikv 103 for which the high penetration of the HEAT shell at a relatively high rate of fire for similar guns is compensated with poor ballistics, insufficient protection and mobility. The al... Read more

20 Jan


The main tank prize in the upcoming Battle Pass season “Royal guard” is a new member of the AMX-50 family, a premium French tank equipped with a 90mm gun, oscillating turret and autoloader!

AMX-50 (1950), medium tank, France, rank IV. Premium. Features:
  • 12 rounds automatic loader
  • 5 crew members
  • Mediocre protection

The medium tank AMX-50 (1950) will be the main tank prize of the new season in the Battle Pass “Royal guard”, it will be a Premium vehicle of rank IV in the French tech tree. The new tank with an oscillating turret will offer players a good balance of game characteristics, but will require an insig... Read more

19 Jan


Meet the aircraft prize of the upcoming season! A Premium winter version of the Bf 109 F-4 coated with a livery of the most effective Hungarian ace Dezső Szentgyörgyi!

Bf 109 F-4, fighter, Italy, rank III. Premium. Features:
  • Good climb rate
  • Low energy loss in maneuvers
  • Incendiary bomb

The premium winter Bf 109 F-4 will be the main aircraft prize in the new season of the War Thunder Battle Pass, the fighter will appear at rank III in the Italian aviation tech tree. The legendary Friedrich needs no introduction - the piston fighter is famous for its excellent flight characteristics and is the favorite choice o... Read more

We continue to monitor the Battle Ratings of vehicles and their competitive capabilities. Below you will find a list of the changes we want to make in January 2023.

To view the planned list, click here to view the Google Doc[]

If you think we should make some additional changes or do not agree with listed changes, ... Read more

18 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No idea what you're talking about to be honest.

The Cold war Soviet torpedo boat gets into a gun frenzy with a BM-21 "Grad" multiple launch rocket system mounted instead of the rear turret!

Project 183 BM-21, gun boat, USSR, rank III. Premium. Features:
  • The MLRS
  • Rapid-firing 25mm guns
  • High speed
  • Lacks torpedoes

In the upcoming season of the War Thunder Battle Pass, all participants will have access to a premium version of the Project 183 boat, an export modification in service with the Egyptian navy. The torpedo armament on this version has been dismantled, and the rear gun mount also removed. In its place, the Egyptians mounted a BM-21 “... Read more

11 Jan


In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder on the website special section.

Please feel free to leave your feedback on these changes in the dedicated "It’s fixed! №70" thread
Punching through fences
... Read more

10 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Omega Sirius: Oh and can someone here tell me the last time Gaijin added an update where they didn't have a new premium vehicle in it?

War Thunder is a free to play game and premium vehicles, premium content and whatever else are crucial to success of the game itself. It's not a charity, it's a video gaming company, with a free game, money has to be made somehow, otherwise it wouldn't exist. Simple as that.

The game designers and bug fixers are a separate team, they are not the store team. Different teams exist, and bug fixes, game decisions and the like can be created side by side and can co-exist at the same time as premiums being added.