

07 Mar


Originally posted by TheBazlow

You mentioned optimisations at the start but only showed some percentage figures.

Do you think you could do a deep dive sometime in a blog post like how reddit does with It's one thing to know that the numbers are better, it would be cool to know how you overcame some of the technical stuff relating to game development.

That would be very cool to do at some point. I find it almost a shame sometimes how little people know about the kinds of technical problems we solve.


Originally posted by Foreverdead3

Any word on possibly improving the subreddit’s moderation?

Additionally is there any consideration on possibly removing or revising subreddit rules #3 and #7? These two rules seem to be used to shut down good conversations happening on the subreddit and removing the would allow a more open discourse which in turn tends to lead to better community discussions

This is gonna be a difficult one to get on the same page about, but I'll try anyways.

The goal of those rules is to ensure that moderation issues are reported to the proper channel. There have been numerous cases in the past where issues were brought up on reddit but not through our official reporting system. We want to prevent a situation where reddit is used more for moderation than the proper channels. Having said that, those rules may be too general and could use a review in the future.

In terms of open discussion, we actually try very hard to not stifle open discourse even if it's negative towards the game or developers. If that was our goal, half the threads that appear on this reddit would be deleted. There's been cases where dev team members have actually gotten upset that a negative thread was removed out of error because we staunchly believe in open criticism even when it's uncomfortable to read.


Originally posted by ParachuteRegiment626

So is it the case they will all be disabled until you figure it out? Or it's kept as it is currently and then the system will be in place?

We're going to default to disabling all mods and then in the dev branch try to get a gauge of what mods players value most (that are fair of course) and try to allow as many of those to still function as possible.


Originally posted by -Morgeta

What's a nice change that wasn't mentioned in the dev stream?

This change won't be popular to everyone, but the "tapping" mechanic has been altered so that the structure is reset when it's actually fully built now. We made this change to alleviate the frustrations around players losing days of upgrade progress due to a single "cheap" action.


Originally posted by ParachuteRegiment626

I am a mod maker for foxhole. What i want to ask is i make only remodels of existing content in game for the guns etc. Can you confirm that i will be able to continue make and use these remodels in game?

I don't want to promise anything right now as this feature made it in very late in the dev cycle but our goal is to have filters that will allow for certain mods and not others. We're figuring out the best way to do this and should have some news about this in dev branch. To stay in the loop, follow the dev branch channels on Discord when they go live.


Originally posted by eTheBlack

How are you?

Both stressed out and excited at the same time. Working on Foxhole is a never ending game of pain and joy at the same time.


Originally posted by blippos

Any chance at doing more frequent Q&As? It would be nice if they didn't only coincide with updates.

It would be nice. In the past, it just felt unproductive to have a Q&A without being able to have a dev branch feedback loop and a chance to address some issues on the spot.

We don't feel comfortable saying "we're going to address something in the future" without having tangible changes in hand because honestly it's not really up to us to assume anything. We're responsible for making changes and it's up to the community to tell us if it helped or not. Without the changes, that loop becomes broken and its just empty promises.

Having said that, we're constantly evaluating these sorts of things so just because we believe this is the most effective now it can change in the future.


Originally posted by Stank34

Will the Shipyard Bug (not being able to build shipyards around relic bases) be fixed?

Yes. Shipyards can now actually be built anywhere with no additional requirements (i.e. they can be built in neutral or enemy territory even).


We'll be answering questions here over the next few hours. Feel free to ask any questions and we'll try to get to as many as we can but those pertaining to Update 52 will be prioritized. Thanks!

External link →

While we feel this change will overall be a net positive, to be clear Concrete was made a large item to make this happen so there may be an unpopular trade off here as well. Please note down any feedback regarding this change in the dev branch after testing it out.

13 Dec

08 Dec


Apologies for recreating this post. There was an error in the original that had to be corrected.

05 Dec


Originally posted by Nuello

oh god no way Dev take the bait




The shard merger was planned well before any videos from streamers were released. The same thing happened almost a year ago with Entrenched and it's just a part of scaling up for big updates. Not ideal, but this has been the standard operating procedure for awhile.

12 Oct


The issue has been resolved.

EDIT: Additional context after some investigation: An error was detected in the tech tree at 11:17PM ET on ABLE. The error was resolved resulting in the corresponding tech being unlocked at 12:31AM ET.

28 Sep

25 Sep


We missed the mark on this change. No excuse. We'll be reviewing it for the next dev branch patch on Monday.