

11 Jun


Russia Day (День России) is a national holiday in Russia, celebrated on the 12th of June every year since 1992.

From 12:00 GMT on the 11th of June until 07:00 GMT on the 15th of June
Participate in 3 battles with an activity level of 60% or higher while using Soviet vehicles of rank II and above and receive the unique “Heart of Russia” decal!

  • This task can be completed in random battles, except the “Enduring Confrontation” and [Assault] game modes.
  • To follow your progress, click on “Your nickname” → Achievements → Russia Day.

07 Jun


  • Economy indicators (Rewards, repair cost) of vehicles where the BR was changed in the release of the “Red Skies” update have been returned to the level before update release. These unplanned changes were done mistakenly due to an increase in the maximum available vehicle BR.
Enduring Confrontation
  • Changed the logic of AI strike aircraft. Now, even if the ground battle is over, but there are enough ground units left for the battlefield, AI strike aircraft will continue attacking them.
  • Airfields in the locations Ruhr and Vietnam have been converted to the rank system.
  • In missions with the rank system of airfields, airfield modules now have the correct HP values. Previously, they may have had the HP value mistakenly set to 0.
All missions with old logic... Read more

02 Jun

    pryanick on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Server may be unavailable from 08:00 GMT on the 2nd of June as we will be implementing Update Red Skies" in War Thunder. We will inform you when maintenance is over.

Thank you for your patience!

01 Jun


The “Red Skies” update is almost here! While the development team is finishing work on the update, we are describing another useful game mechanic coming to War Thunder tank battles in the upcoming “Red Skies” release.

Now light tanks and squadmates can help extinguish fires[]. The new mechanic works in a similar way as repair assistance: you need to drive up to a burning vehicle, wait for the indicator of assistance for firefighting, and after holding the help button, the ally will stop burning. In this case, one kit of fire-fighting equipment on the helper tank will be depleted.

The new mechanic works for burning tanks that are not able to extinguish the fire on ... Read more

31 May


The T-80BVM will become the new top tier MBT in the heavy tanks branch of the Soviet tech tree with the release of the upcoming ‘Red Skies” update. The T-80BVM is in many ways similar to the T-80U - the cannon and machine guns, a similar hull upper plate structure, so it's much more interesting to talk about the differences - and there are many of them!

The main and most noticeable difference is the new explosive "Relikt" reactive armor. ERA blocks cover the turret, frontal and side projections of the hull. This is a further development of the already good "Kontakt V", which gives increased protection against shaped charge ammunition (including those with a tandem warhead), and also... Read more

27 May


A new naval location designed for dynamic firefights with the coastal fleet!
The ocean flooded cargo terminal, vehicle overpasses and the downtown of an Asian seaside metropolis. It is here, with the roar of engines and the clang of machine-gun belts, boats and patrol ships from the War Thunder coastal fleets will clash in battle! We present a new location for naval battles “Drowned City”, that will appear in the game with the release of the upcoming major update “Red Skies”!

We originally created this location specifically for the mosquito fleet of War Thunder - there are many shelters made from containers scattered by flooding, ship skeletons, heaps of garbage, road junctions and trees shrouded in sea mud. Aviation will maneuver between tall skyscrapers, looking for an obvious boat whilst hiding from anti-aircraft guns.
... Read more

24 May


In the upcoming Red Skies update we are presenting a new location for War Thunder mixed battles that we are calling "Red Desert".

This is a sandstone plateau surrounded by the dunes of a great desert. A small river sources here to quickly dry up under the hot African sun. The life-giving moisture, however, is sufficient for several palm groves and majestic acacias. A small village is located In the centre of the oasis- a couple of dozen houses and a mosque.

This location was inspired from the views of North and Central Africa, a... Read more

20 May

Introducing the next major update teaser for War Thunder - 'Red Skies'!

12 May


In this digest we would like to tell you about the work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder in the website special section[].

Magnetic Bombs

As much as everyone likes to destroy tankers, you have to know the limits. That’s why this time we will begin our “It’s fixed!” digest with some good news for them. Bombs that have been dropped on the ground are no longer magnetically fixed to vehicles that hav... Read more

09 May


8th of May 1945, Allied forces who fought during World War 2 celebrated “VE Day” or “Victory in Europe Day”. Major cities in Allied nations, as well as those cities in Western Europe that had formerly been occupied, rejoiced in the defeat of the Nazi war machine with the raising of flags and banners.

German forces lay down their arms and held their fire: In Prague, Germans surrendered to their Soviet counterparts, after the latter had lost more than 8,000 soldiers, and the Germans many more; in Copenhagen and Oslo; at Karlshorst, near Berlin; in northern Latvia; on the Channel Island of Sark — their surrender was complete with a final cease-fire, followed by more surrender documents that were signed in Berlin and East Germany.

From May 7th to 10th (02:00 GMT), fight in War Thunder and receive the “Weapon of Victory” decoratio... Read more

09 Apr

60 years ago, on April 12th, 1961 a human reached space for the first time! We present a War Thunder special event dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s historic flight!.

From April 9th 13:00 (GMT) until April 13th 07:00 (GMT), get special memorable items on the anniversary of manned space exploration beginning!

Tasks may be completed in vehicles of rank III or above with a combat activity of 60% or above.

Track your progress by clicking Nickname → Achievements → Cosmonautics Day.

“Double trail” tournaments To celebrate World Aviation and Space Day, take part in the 2x2 jet aircraft tournaments on the TSS portal.

... Read more

08 Apr


  • By popular request, War Thunder on Steam will now update via the Steam Client, rather than through the Gaijin launcher. Steam players will no longer be required to open the War Thunder launcher for the game to update.
  • Allied/enemy tank engines now have the same sound volume.
  • Sounds of shells and bullets passing by have been changed so that firing at the player’s vehicle is now more obvious.
  • The radius of registration of bullet/shell flight has been changed from 18 to 30 meters.
  • The volume of the sound informing the player that he has been detected by enemy radar has been increased.
  • A bug that caused sounds of allied/enemy aircraft firing might not be played has been fixed.
Dear Steam players!
For unknown reasons, Steam has started to download the game files again.
In order not to download existing files again, you can use the following algorithm:
  1. Pause the download of the game on the Steam client.
  2. Find the folder with the War Thunder game and rename it (for example, as “War Thunder1”).
  3. Via the Steam client, uninstall War Thunder.
  4. Rename the game folder back to its original name.
  5. On Steam, find the War Thunder game and click "install".
  6. Steam will check the files and download the missing ones, if necessary, so you can continue to play.
    pryanick on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For unknown reasons, Steam has started to download the game files again.
In order not to download existing files again, you can use the following algorithm:
1. Pause the download of the game on Steam client.
2. Find the folder with the War Thunder game and rename it (for example, as “War Thunder1”).
3. On Steam client, uninstall the War Thunder game.
4. Rename the game folder back to its original name.
5. On Steam, find the War Thunder game and click "install".
6. Steam will check the files and download the missing ones, if necessary, so you can continue to play.

Уважаемые пользователи Steam!
По неизвестным причинам, Steam начал скачивать файлы игры заново.
Чтобы не выкачивать все файлы заново вы можете воспользоваться следующим алгоритмом:
1. Поставьте скачивание игры в Steam на паузу.
2. Найдите папку с игрой War Thunder и переименуйте её (допустим, в War Thunder1).
3. В Steam удалите игру War Thunder.
... Read more

01 Apr


Assemble these futuristic vehicles and turn them over to your commanders in exchange for vehicles for pilots, tankers and sailors! In the meantime scientists will study the vehicles you have assembled and prepare them for a mass production in 2077.

From 13:00 GMT on the 1st of April until 12:00 GMT on the 12th of April

Get materials in battles, assemble “Minotaur” tanks from them and exchange the finished tanks for prize vehicles!

... Read more

War Thunder is preparing to expand its audience and move to a new 4+ age rating. A special "TailSpin" aviation event starts in our game, with a visual style and physics adapted for the widest possible audience. Everyone knows that in April we test new game mechanics and features. This time you have a chance to try the new version of the graphics and physics model, as well as feel what the whole game will be like in the near future! Moreover, changes in the game environment will make an upcoming port of the game to mobile platforms easier.

While the new ratings are pending, we present to you a special aviation event, “TailSpin”!

From 11:00 GMT on the 1st of April till 09:00 GMT on the 5th of April
... Read more

29 Mar

The new Swedish Starter Pack includes a premium Strv m/41 tank and a Fokker D.XXI fighter, which, along with an ample amount of Silver Lions and Premium Account days, will ensure confident victories and rapid development in the early ranks of War Thunder!
The new Swedish Starter Pack includes a premium Strv m/41 tank and a Fokker D.XXI fighter, which, along with an ample amount of Silver Lions and Premium Account days, will ensure confident victories and rapid development in the early ranks of War Thunder!

F-4F Phantom II, Германия, VI ранг The German Phantom II in a special export version and with a unique camouflage for completing tasks in the upcoming crafting event in War Thunder!

The German version of the iconic American F-4F Phantom II jet fighter will be one of the most desired rewards in the April crafting event in War Thunder. The F-4F is an early version of the fighter; in one of the upcoming major updates, the Luftwaffe will also receive a representative of the “Phantom II” series in the regular tech tree. The early F-4F Phantom II can be yours for free in the near future!

Despite the fact that the export version of the avionics of the F-4F does ... Read more

17 Mar


From March 17th (11:00 GMT) until March 19th (07:00 GMT), play the game to get a new decal!
Unlock the "Leprechaun" decal for 3 battles in vehicles of rank II or higher (with a minimum of 60% activity).

The jolly Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day, in celebration of the legendary savior and heavenly patron of Ireland. This is a day of bright colors, friendly drinking and happy images. The emerald-green extravaganza proved to be contagious and now St. Patrick's Day has become an international spring holiday. We will not stay out of it either!

Get your commemorative Leprechaun decal by completing a simple task.

Monitor your progress here: “Your nickname” → “Achievements” → “S... Read more