

05 Apr


Originally posted by FTC_Publik

That.... really kind of sucks. I bought every Arcane BP already but never had enough resources to craft them all. I checked my spreadsheet and right now I've got 187 of them unbuilt.

We will keep you posted if that changes. Some options floating around.


Originally posted by serah__

the information. apparently people don't say that as a good thing outside of boston, as ive been informed

Hahaha well then.


Originally posted by Blissful_Altruism

An achievement? Hot damn, thanks for taking the feedback about them into consideration.



Originally posted by serah__

Sicko :P



Originally posted by DJ-Kitten

What's going to happen to the current blueprints in my foundry for Arcanes?
Also is there any compensation for people who dumped a lot of time into the Cetus Arcanes?

Same thing that will happen to mine - we can build them or sell them but the script idea is floating around now.

We have no major compensation plans right now because of how much time has passed.



Planned for an achievement. Will discuss tomorrow on Stream.



Hi all -

If you've been watching our Streams you'll know we plan to remaster the visuals of the Plains of Eidolon. You can expect this hopefully today on PC (stay tuned).

As a part of the Remaster Spirit, we have done a 'Economy Remaster Lite' on aspects of Cetus!


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03 Apr


Originally posted by AlphaRocker

Its not working properly on the switch. I have seen videos of how it works on other platforms. The switch version is absolutely certainly bugged. On switch if you fire the simulor 3 times in one place, it nukes the entire map killing literally anything and inflicting what seems to be infinite damage. It does not do this if the mirage is the host, if they are host, it works normally. If they aren’t host, it bugs out and freezes the game of everyone in the squad for 1-2 seconds when it triggers.

You can reproduce it pretty reliably yeah?


Originally posted by AlphaRocker

I can't believe it hasn't been patched. It literally nukes the entire map, I see it almost every time i run arbitration and quite a bit in hydron and other places.

We thought we had a lead yesterday but... still nope. Will see if today we can get it once and for all.

01 Apr


Originally posted by Mikewonton

MY TWO FAVORITE GAMES WHAT IS THIS. New Zealand/Canada crossover?





We are pleased to announce that we've partnered with Grinding Gear Games to bring you the most ambitious of all crossovers, Path of Warframe: The Quest for the Average Neck. As with all Path of Warframe expansions, this expansion will be free to play but somehow steal your entire wallet. Available alongside the next alignment of Mercury and Jupiter!


Play either Path of Exile's Templar or Warframe's Atlas in the pursuit for an average sized neck. This first-person top-down Action RPG hack-n-shooter focuses on complex gameplay styles that have no explanation but reward you, the gamer, with loot, items, treasure, currency, loot, items, loot and M I C R O T...

Read more External link →

29 Mar


Originally posted by genkidama

Maybe now I can get over my crippling anxiety about in-game trading, if the effect of this is that I can feel reasonably sure that I'm not getting hosed by a predatory trader!

It's a start!


Originally posted by Lord_Dust_Bunny

It's definitely helpful and interesting. The data is very user unfriendly though, and the way it is set up make a decent chunk of the data meaningless.

For instance, the min/max values are both basically useless as we have things like a unrolled Afuris riven's min/max being 10 plat and 8,000 plat respectively. This also makes a unrolled Afuris 'average' at 294 plat per unrolled riven, with a standard deviation of 1,088 plat.

This makes the information basically useless for anyone trying to figure out how much a unrolled Afuris is worth. All they know is it sells for between nothing and hundreds of dollars of plat, and that the range most Rivens fall under is between nothing and ~1,400 plat. This problem isn't Afuris specific; it applies to most every other Riven on here.

This is showing absolute ranges, which is of curiosity value in Phase 1 for sure. Phase 2 will include some amount of stat details / level of Mod fusion which will be appended to these min/max values in some way. Ground work!


Originally posted by jeremiahjo

worth a shot? /u/rebulast

Only works this way yeah - we've had people looking into this all day and someone will answer your tickets soon! The Chesa being the new variable in things is something we're working to solve systemically.


NSFW but I'm lookin' at it at work ...

26 Mar


I think the era of Helios becoming the new Carrier (i.e most useful unique Sentinel) + Smeeta (most useful Pet) is fully upon us (it certainly is, statistically). This idea will reinforce that, but what ideas do we have to make scanning just.. maybe more interesting? Just a thought exercise.


I've know you for 6 years now. Much love and crazy to see where life has taken you <3. Perhaps the New War can provide true closure to our journey together man. Take it easy <3.