

20 Mar


Originally posted by CapnRot

It appeared to be consistent, I've submitted a ticket.

We fixed it for 'leave squad' behaviour, if you are playing true solo and it is still occurring, let me know.


Originally posted by Oneiricl

Dear DE, /u/rebulast, and whoever else is listening,

Please, please, for the love of all things biomechanical and only slightly gross, please could you guys make it so the Baro Invitation Message only goes out to people who have bought the Digital Tennocon Ticket? Having to answer people asking about how to get to Baro 2 Million times a day really pisses off people in the community. I say this as one of the newbies last year who didn't know what was going on.

Further, it's not like that message even gets you guys more sales of the digital ticket cos they were all sold out well in advance. The only thing it does is tell a bunch of newbies that there was something involving Baro that they missed out on. Newbies were annoyed there was something you had to pay real world money for access to without having any context of what the ticket does or what "content" it gave access to. That's not a good feeling and, IMO, it (inaccurately) portrays DE in...

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Regarding 'ban', This was an issue for a very small amount of people in 2017 only. 2018 does not have this issue, nor will 2019. The digital ticket will also be available for a longer time this year so people can access it up to the event.

It's in our interest to sell Digital stuff, to be honest (it's what keeps Warframe free), so I'm not sure we'd restrict messaging especially since the pack will be available longer.


Did you start in a squad and 'leave squad' to do it Solo? Or solo overall? If you can reproduce this consistently, please send your EE.log ( in a support ticket with ATTN: Rebecca Bug in the subject .

19 Mar


Originally posted by whitestboy93

u/rebulast 🙂

We did change this live on Sunday, sorry for the delay!


Originally posted by Liquidignition

that’s the problem here. i’ve got so many and such little time to pop em. /u/rebulast please let us convert / dissolve / transmute these excess relics.

I probably have the same amount if not more from the great conversion, it's a neat idea to put some of them to use I think. Hopefully we can whip something up when we get a free week or so.

15 Mar


Who: Rebecca is joined by a smaller-than-usual crew due to March Break here in Canada.

What: We will be going over post-release of Warframe’s first major mainline of 2019 as well as showing the next… PRIME ACCESS!

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes and during the Livestream as well as a Mesa Prime Access Pack AND a Prime Vault pack!

Where: Find us at:

Twitch Drop: Join us to get your very own Crisma Toroid!

When: Join us this Friday, March 15th at 2 p.m EDT!


14 Mar


Originally posted by ThisIsNotMyBody

I've tried everything I can to farm for this. I do have a bad pc, it's a gaming device but about 7 years old, but I've never had trouble handling warframe before. But, every time I try to farm for this my game crashes as soon as I put the coolant in the vent. I know this will be the only way to get this gun, but somehow all the bugs are preventing me from obtaining it. I've tried every solution with my graphics settings, but without fail, if a coolant cylinder is placed in a vent, I crash.

Edit: Turns out I had some issues at the lowest graphics, and after tweaking some settings both in game and with my GPU drivers I have fixed my issue. Turns out I needed to turn off certain lighting effects with all particles off and my models set to medium, while also turning off my GPU overclocking completely. I can now start farming this gun!

Crashing typically results in this: Crash Handler

Can you tell us your Crash #?

  • Verify your Cache too. Optimizing is good, Verifying is also good particularly for crashes.

Originally posted by BrastenXBL

To cross-post my comment there.

The fundamental problem with the Data-Hash event was the lack of in-game information and direction. The opening part of it was an external ARG, which many users do not pay attention to.

Finding the Hashes required an external map.

Scanning around for the Hashes was difficult even for experienced collectable hunters, and had no in-game assistance for less hyper dedicated players. We keep coming back to this issue again, and again. Warframe cannot keep growing and maintaining beyond its dedicated players without in-game direction and assistance that is currently only available through external tools and 3rd party community sites.

DE very much miscalculated, and should be thinking of ways to avoid find the thing game design in the future. This was feedback given on The Sacrifice Quest. Time to take it to heart, and the design docs. As a...

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This is our read on it too overall.


Originally posted by thefinestpiece

It was clear from Titania quest, The Silver Grove, no one likes to scan shit.

But we made scanning literal sh*t a feature with Conservation.


Never forget: Solaris make the Vallis work. No Solaris, no Vallis. Do we have an understanding?! The Corpus have sabotaged your efforts with their greedy alphabet. The proper data has been decrypted here:


We will intercept the streams tomorrow and restore your Data Hashes!

(x-post ...

Read more External link →

13 Mar


Originally posted by Leggerrr

Hopefully conservation won't be "Orb Vallis only" for long.

Anyways, nice guide!

Should have some POE animals up and running in the next major update!

11 Mar


yeah honestly that word is almost exclusively used as a slur

true, but monkey isnt predominantly used as a slur

(oon is predominantly used as a slur in games yeah

10 Mar


Operator Witch Hats 2019!

09 Mar


Originally posted by CampusCarl

Can I thank you for putting "The DE response"? I wish Botty would come back soon

You can but I was just copying the OP's formatting lol

Comment We are going to change the Sortie and work on a real fix for the mission itself soon.