

24 Sep


Originally posted by GiordyS

Considering the huge amount of discussions this booster generated just right after the PA announcement, I think DE is conscious the community wouldn't be pretty forgetful about it And they certainly wouldn't want to be labelled as a group which doesn't keep their promises and turns their game in another P2W


Originally posted by FTC_Publik

I dunno how to feel about it. It's in line with the other boosters and monetization practices but something about it makes it feel extra scummy. If these boosters are available for regular purchase from the market then it's more palatable, but if they're a PA-only exclusive then f**k no.

Edit: though most mods are tradeable so idk if there's even much value with this booster to begin with.

They won't be PA exclusive, technically timed but you'll see them enter Warframe rewards ecosystem while the Prime Access is live. It definitely sucks that 'scummy' is a first impression though, but based on the single-liner info I don't blame you. It is a free bonus, it will be added elsewhere as a rewards, and by no accounts does it exist to set a path for reducing drop rates elsewhere (or, conversely, not increase them).

15 Sep


Originally posted by curiously-b2

I'm also affected by this; did 30m infested survival just to see if that would make a difference -- 1600-some kills, got the popup during mission, but going back to the nightwave screen after the mission shows both as having 0 kills towards them.

/u/rebulast Got a bug here. :/

Fixed serverside!

26 Aug


Originally posted by DymondHed

i noticed this too. you know there's gotta be some dev laughing his ass off right now


22 Aug


Originally posted by ToxSeed

Hope they're part of the " and more " from the mainline post

They are.

15 Aug


Originally posted by Brad_King

I haven't seen any the past 7-10 days now that you mention it, maybe post something on the forums or page u/rebulast maybe :)

They’re gone!

09 Aug


But wait, there's more! This also changes the way Gara's Targets and Atlas' Petrified Targets react (i.e they now get this new behaviour).


Originally posted by Wolfou_Jams

"To imagine"

And maybe see one day when we have finished the whiteboard for 2019!


This is a super fun idea to imagine!

08 Aug


We're going to fix this serverside and then evaluate the situation. We all have wanted more Loadout slots for a long time, but the resistance is just scaling. We will see where this bug puts us (and we will refund Platinum where needed)


Originally posted by SEVERALBS

I play on Xbox one and my IGN is BrokeTroubadour

I play on Xbox one and my IGN is BrokeTroubadour

Thank you - consoles should have this fix soon!


Anyway you can drop your Alias / Platform in here? Button callouts suggest console, but just need more info :)

07 Aug


Originally posted by TheZetman

Jesus this is dark souls all over again. No one should ever bind stuff like physics to frame rate.

DErk Souls (we'll fix).

04 Aug

02 Aug


Originally posted by neutralthirdpartist

between the relatively uncommon usage of operators and the abstract design of the amps i think it's understandable that there is a lack of attention given to them from both de and the playerbase.

i made this graphic with the intent to clarify the issue to even the uninitiated playerbase to hopefully encourage more awareness of the issue.

There will be a slower fix process here, but expect piece-by-piece rotations to occur over time (possible as soon as today for some Fortuna braces).

01 Aug


Originally posted by murderb0t9OOO

Hey, u/rebulast , we need this

Why do you think I pitched Ephemera's in the first place?!

(JK, and remember, exists too for anyone who wants to joinnnn).

30 Jul


Originally posted by NightmareT12

I thought it was pretty clear they did this as a special thing for the 150th Prime Time celebration, and no one should have expected this to actually make it into the game, because at no point it was their intention.


24 Jul


Originally posted by ZizouOlympia

u/rebulast needs to see this

So, so great!


Originally posted by LoopStricken

I'll make you a deal - You let me wear my keyface and scarf together, and I'll binge-watch this Jojo thing.
