

04 Oct


Originally posted by PhazonUK

As far as I’m aware it’s because they don’t allow “destructive” commands in third party apps (basically anything that deletes or uses resources, like glimmer). If they just removed the silly glimmer cost from equipping mods then we’d be set.

That's broadly correct - there's a little more to it, namely, we try to limit the usage for API calls that might have "liability" attached to them, actual or perceived. It's an ongoing conversation.

01 Feb


It wasn't totally selfless, don't worry! <3 I use the app pretty obsessively while I'm in crucible or gambit queue. I'm really glad you like the feature!

25 Jan


Originally posted by Schnitzel725

Would it be okay to give us a setting that'll let us purchase more than a few bounties at a time before having to reconfirm that we want to get bounties via the app?

This is under consideration.


Originally posted by KriptiKFate_Cosplay

Are you seriously telling me that I can pick up f**king bounties VIA THE APP?? So many cumulative hours wasted on loading screens.. why not just make them available at any time in game?!


We may consider making them available more broadly in-game, but we have to balance that UX & design work against hundreds of other pressing quality of life needs. More than that, with the changes to bounties and their resulting reduction in prominence, that calculus is a lot harder.

Bounty purchase is a good way for us to gather the data needed to make an intelligent decision about this.


Originally posted by Squelcher121

On that note, I've not been able to purchase bounties via the app at all since that function was added. Despite being in orbit, I am invariably told "unable to initiate request" when I try to pick a bounty up from the app. Some of my clan members have this issue as well (PS4).

Is this a known issue with the app or is it a problem on my end?

Generally, this is caused by a stale authorization state. Forcibly sign out in the app, clear the relevant data in your phone, and then sign back in. I can't promise this will fix it, but it's something to try.

There should be a help article regarding troubleshooting as well.

23 Jan


Originally posted by sam_the_guardian

Yeah weekly bounties are being removed as well. Make this get to the top so OP can notice it!

It's likely obvious, but bounty pick-up from the companion app will continue to function.

10 Dec


Originally posted by TheSamich

Will this functionality be available to 3rd party apps in the future to create custom experiences?


Hey, just a quick reminder: All of these can be acquired from the Companion app!

If you have any problems with bounty purchase, please review the help article then reach out to BungieHelp on twitter or through the app. We are hearing reports of glimmer display bugs in the app, this can be resolved by refreshing at most twice. Remember, repeatable bounties cost upwards of 2.5k, with most costing 3k.


Originally posted by Blaze_Lighter

I don't have any reports to give as thankfully this hasn't happened to me, but thanks for the awesome and quick reply!

You're giving dmg04 a run for his money (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

No I don't, that man is sleepless, indestructible, and indefatigable. Rumor has it that his father was Saint-14 and his mother was a pyramid ship.

More seriously, I only speak to things that are directly related to the API and only things that are concrete. I have it pretty easy.


Originally posted by MtnDewX

I have no idea how to tag people on Reddit but hoping this will summon /u/sassy_warsat (lead API dev who has been active here recently). I am ecstatic at the idea of getting bounties from the app and was going to try it tonight, but now I'm going anywhere near that function. : ( Hope it is a quick fix!

Actually, that worked. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Bluntly, this is exactly why the feature isn't currently open to 3rd party developers:

  • Our 3p dev community is absolutely amazing and it would make me literally sick if something like this got blamed on them.
  • If there had been scaled automation against this feature, this could have hit a truly astonishing number of people. As it is, we believe the incidence is low.
  • Debugging this without being able to narrow down the use cases to code we own would be pretty difficult.

If you are affected by this, please reach out to BungieHelp so that we can start to gather statistics on incidence. We'd like to understand the exact symptoms as well. It sounds like there's a small chance this is a display bug - please verify your currency in game.


Originally posted by gamer_pie

It's been a disaster on PS4 for a while now and definitely harming the experience for anyone who is remotely interested in end-game content. The companion app/fireteam site used to be great because you could directly invite people by pressing the button the app. Now you need to manually search the person's PSN to add them to your party.

With yesterday's patch, it seems even crazier. I lucked out because I was able to look up one of the fireteams member's profile and join using that, but in my experience most of the time when I try viewing someone's profile, I either don't see Destiny, or I get an error when trying to join.

I know it's not a big comfort, but we are actively investigating. While we think we may have an isolation for the problem, we don't have an ETA for resolve yet. Keep an eye on BungieHelp for updates, I think, is the best I can offer right now.

08 Dec


Originally posted by Li_Sarms

Link to the help article?


Originally posted by DrkrZen

And here I always thought Bungo was the quirky limited one...

Hah! I don't get a chance to wax rhapsodic super often about my co-workers, so forgive me this. Most of our work is invisible, and success is so often silent. So let me take this oblique opportunity to be loud: I actually really do identify with Suraya after coming to work here.

Because I'm surrounded by people who seem impossibly talented, who are always out there, always with their shoulder against the impossible, trying to make a dent in the universe. It's a hell of a thing, and it's a real honor to work here making this game just a bit better for all of you.


Originally posted by vejolly

I'm missing something I'm in the tower I have the app open to the vendors and I cant purchase

Make sure you've updated the app, and that you have push enabled! Check the help article for more!


Originally posted by schizolingvo

Are bounties available via the API (for DIM, Ishtar, etc) or is it exclusive to DCA due to somewhat destructive (glimmer cost) nature of that feature?

It is currently exclusive to the app. This may change in the future - it'll likely always require the push approval, so there's an education cost and a good amount of metrics gathering and polish we'd like to do first at least.

First, basically, we want to understand how people use it and what are the best ways to spend our engineering effort to improve the feature.


Originally posted by AgonistX


Unfortunately, we still have to see Hawthorne for our clan bounties for some reason :(

That's a quirky technical limitation, actually. Took out Ghaul, woke up the traveler, and you still have to swing by to see her. Sorry!

20 Oct


Originally posted by TheUberMoose

If you come to us asking for help, did you even have to question if we would?

We are happy to help.


Originally posted by CoachCade

Sent one from my computer! :)



Originally posted by Honestly_Just_Vibin

I’ll try. Just a screenshot of the console tab in inspect element?

Edit: it works for me (un?)fortunately, so I can’t grab a shot anyways

Ty. We just started a make-good on this, so I don't think it'll repro for a bit.


Originally posted by TheCoderAndAvatar

Me. You’re not alone.

This has been an intermittent bug for a while, it normally rectifies quickly, but I'd love a chance to squash it permanently. Can I get a console log from one of you? Just DM me a screenshot. Ty!