

29 May


Originally posted by soda401

Sorry, I don't know what a social stream is because I'm not really keeping up with all of 343's streams and social media accounts. So I didn't know what kind of stream gave the Ice Unicorn. I should have been more descriptive of what I meant.

Sometimes the social stream is just us talking about stuff, other times it's a 'playdate' that involves skin giveaways. Tomorrow will be a show-and-tell variety with no skins to pass out.

28 May


Originally posted by SilentGamer64

It's actually very relieving to know that marketing isn't dictating flighting schedules. I'd hate to see the project put on hold or rushed just to meet a hard deadline of E3.

We all aligned very early on that MCC of PC would be quality driven, not date driven and it wouldn't ship until it was ready. We also all agreed from the top down that flighting would be a critical path of development and we'd never leverage flighting as a marketing activation or turn it into any kind of pre-order incentive or customer 'bonus.' Really a lot of props go to the studio leadership and our partners across marketing for supporting the team's desire to do what's right for the project and players!


Originally posted by adamwill1113

As someone who was googling 'Halo 3 PC' back in 2007, thank you for bringing MCC to PC, and for putting up with the impatient members of the community.

Nah I wouldn't say anyone is being unrealistically impatient - we've all waited a long time for Halo proper to be delivered to PC. This is a long time in the making and honestly I'm as eager and as excited as the community at large. Waiting is indeed the hardest part - well, waiting and also ensuring we live up to the sky high expectations (that seem to be growing by the day!). To say there's a lot of pressure on the team would be a huge understatement.


Originally posted by SilentGamer64

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. They probably had a flighting build ready to go for past few weeks but kept it from us just so they could show it off at E3 first.

Nothing wrong with marketing the product, but publicly estimating an April flighting plan and then waiting 2 months just for the sake of marketing is pretty lame.

What's even the point of promoting the port of a 2014 game (not even the full game, mind you) when they could be focusing on promoting Infinite?

I can assure that nothing going on with the MCC PC project is being driven by or dictated by marketing. Announcing back in March with months of inactivity is the opposite of what Marketing would've wanted. Ideally the entire announce would've just occurred at e3 if we knew then what we know now (just in terms of the pace at which things have been moving).

Flighting should begin rolling out to Insiders in June. But, it's highly likely that a representative work-in-progress flight-build slice of Reach PC will be on hand in Microsoft's booth at E3. We will talk more about this in the May update blog (coming either tomorrow or Thurs) and hopefully if the stars align, on a 343 social stream. If you like hearing in-flux transparent planning info read this (otherwise ignore and pretend it doesn't exist): (this is one of those examples where I'm being transparent telling you that I've got intent to do a Reach PC first look stream tomorrow but it could ...

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22 May


Wow, that's awesome! Back in my day we had to chop down a tree and whittle it ourselves.


Looking awesome, as always!

17 May


Originally posted by railgun117

10 years since last pc update. I walk the empty streets...

10 years, or 16 days if you count the 4,000+ words in the April update blog.


Originally posted by Malachite_Wrath

Really reeeaaally shouldn't have announced MCC PC and Reach as early as they did. I don't mind it taking time, but it's the time from the announcement which is an issue. If you can't get flights out for an almost decade old game in good time, I'm deeply concerned for Infinite.

Sure, if we could go back in time, knowing what we know now, we probably would've waited to make the announce. Heck, it would've made a cool announce for E3, yeah? But at the time, we had plans and estimates and goals - including a need to get the word out so we could allow ample time to build up a Halo Insider program. We all expected flighting to have started by now but unfortunately some areas of development have proven to be more time consuming than anticipated. Flighting MCC on PC has zero overlap and nothing in common with developing Halo Infinite. In fact, I'd argue it's more challenging dealing with decades old game code with multiple intertwined titles and systems than building a new experience on top of a new custom designed engine and toolset.


Originally posted by JackhammerJake

This is very disappointing. We are almost a full month behind schedule now.

Behind what schedule? We've never really had a date or a schedule other than a goal of getting flighting underway as soon as everything is ready. I had hoped that would be last month, it wasn't and now we're of course hesitant to make any guesstimates as to not further disappoint. The massive update blog two weeks back offered some good info on the status of the project and Postums is working on another large update for later this month.


Originally posted by DatBoiSully

I'm hoping we get flights prior to E3, seems unlikely though at this rate.

Currently it doesn't look like public flighting will begin prior to E3. The team has made a lot of progress on a number of areas but everything is just taking time (in some cases longer than initially anticipated)

03 May


Originally posted by Merdfrog1

I'll be pretty bummed if this doesnt happen

This came up during the AMA where we stated it wasn't the official plan of record for launch. As we've seen more and more feedback we have clearly heard this is important to a lot of players - it is something the team has been investigating but ultimately I'd say it's still TBD and probably outside of scope for launch.


Originally posted by acm_falstaff

So will it be one big buy or would you buy the games individually

current plan is that each game will be sold individually as they are released. I'd imagine that at some point down the road when it's all said and done, there's probably some kind of option to buy it all at once but a lot of those details are TBD.


Originally posted by CreamSSB

Yeah it was, but I've read comments of threads on Reddit that thought they'd go vanilla.

My hunch was on getting the TU anyways

Max has stated that TU is the plan of record though I'd expect vanilla settings to likley be avaialble for customs, etc.. if people want to use 'em.


Originally posted by strontiummuffin

Does that monitor on the right have motion blue or just low refresh rate? /bad photo :/

was just a factor of the phone camera catching it in a weird state.


Originally posted by Kil3r

Didn't someone say they were gunna stream some gameplay? What happened to that?

We will once we're a little further along. We've said that we plan show off more prior to public flighting starting.


Originally posted by acm_falstaff

So I just saw a new article about the progression and saw they were going to have seasons??? Do we have to pay for a season pass now?

No plans to charge for a season pass or anything like that. If you recall, each of the games within MCC on PC will release one by one over time - the team is viewing the period for each release as a 'season.' So 'season one' (or whatever it's ultimately called) will be when Reach is released up through the release of Halo: CE, which starts a new season, etc..


Originally posted by TheOutSpokenGamer

Absolutely no reason crossplay shouldn't be optional for everyone on whatever platform (assuming they put it in). Sometimes people don't want to play against other platforms and that's completely fair.

if crossplay were to come to MCC, I'm fairly certain it would be an opt-in scenario - at least that's how it's been discussed around the studio.

01 May


Originally posted by will99222

The same thing happened to ED when they raised the crosshairs, so this also confirms my suspicions of how it all works.

What i think they've done to put the crosshair in the centre is rotate the whole viewmodel/FOV range by a few degrees, which has pushed the crosshair up but has also shifted the on screen weapon up the screen by the same portion, meaning it's way too far up and you're seeing the whole bottom part of the gun which is usually off screen.

This is my understanding of what's currently happening in this screenshot. I wouldn't read too much into this since all of this is work-in-progress. Not sure what the final/ultimate implementation and outcome will be but it's definitely great to get all this feedback and reaction as the team assesses options and overall demand (seems like this is a big deal to a lot of people)