

04 Nov


Originally posted by pursuitofthunder

8/10 attempts to find a game with a party of 4 people fails. More often than not only the host gets into a game while the other three get booted back to the lobby.

Or even better when it constantly keeps disbanding the party and disconnecting people whenever we search for a game. It’s infuriating and has been the same since the beginning.

Searching with 4/4 party is is extremely unstable. 3/4 party’s can be pretty bad still. I’d say around 4/10 attempts to matchmake fail. 2/4 and under is fine

It’s been frustratingly difficult to play with a full party and we’ve all played a lot less this season because of it

We had this yesterday on our own stream - we're sending the footage over to the team to investigate.


Originally posted by itsmeleo47

Will Godzilla be available for three days? I hope the refresh timer is just a visual bug since it states only for today and I just need the other half of the skin.

Absolutely a visual bug. It'll be available for the next three days.


Originally posted by Nirvazure

tl;dr: "git gud" means less now than 2 months ago

The "Infallible" achievement is against the game's design. As time goes on, changes in the game have made it go from hard to almost impossible, e.g:

  • Levels being more chaotic/random: Variations have been added that make it so you can't go auto-pilot all the time, and more are incoming (see today's trailer)
  • In Door Dash they removed being able to distinct the correct one in the last three doors so it is 100% random and there is no incentive to go ahead
  • Many casual players left the game and SBMM is not active right now: This means you can easily get people in your lobby much more skilled
  • Many people got the achievement through the "quit before elimination screen" method and it has/will be patched

Sure you can still technically get the achievement with an incredible combination of skill and luck. My complaint is that the threshold gets higher every day, and the best moment...

Read more

This is interesting to consider - thank you for your feedback! Though there are still quite a number of people gunning for / qualifying for the infallible achievement, perhaps there should be something else to a similar degree of what you've mentioned here.


Originally posted by ruinawish

It's a tough mode. As suggested, if you're no good at moving the ball, just be goalie.

Yeah this, a good defence can go a long way. I'm not amazing at scoring so I usually take the GET-THE-HECK-AWAY-FROM-OUR-GOAL stance.


Originally posted by arvs17

The frequency that we get updates/fixes on Fall Guys is so slow. We only had one update since season 2 began and it's mostly for the bugs they introduced themselves. I hope we can get updates/fixes faster.

We're super working on this. The MT Team is expanding and our pace is increasing to match it.


Originally posted by ruinawish

Beginning to see more cheaters again.

One annoying instance was on Rock n Roll. From the start, the cheater just flew over the barrier and said 'f**k this team in particular', and successful blocked our ball from moving.

Yeah, for the past week or so I've certainly seen an increase in reports and footage of cheaters. Our EAC is constantly improving; this should get back on the decrease soon.


Originally posted by TheRealJeffRoss

Just grabbed the crown on fall mountain and it didn’t register I don’t understand why this issue persists. Seems like an important thing to fix

Yep, it's important. We have a fix pending for this at the moment, so that will be hopefully rolled out as soon as we can. Sorry that it happened to you. Worst feels.

02 Nov


Originally posted by HootsHugs101

I don't think it has been...

It has been now! It doesn't have the level name on it, but it says "Hoops not registering" etc. :) CTRL+F Hoops to find.

Sorry to clarify upon edit: I've just made sure it's there now, we'll definitely discuss this week and see what timeframes might be on it.


Originally posted by ThinkFree

Nov-01-2020 18:13 GMT+8 SE Asia

Reported to Mediatonic

u/OliverAge24Artist u/FallGuysJoe u/trichoglossusbee Can't we find a way to ban this guy?

Edited: Here he is on the previous minigame before the finals:

Thanks for reporting it. That'll then be looked into accordingly by the team and sent to EAC. Sorry bout this :(


Originally posted by MrDumpster1990

Why can't you just outright ban somebody you see is cheating?

We do, but it takes a bit of time and is a manual process.

We report to EAC and refine our own auto-detection systems to kill the issue at its root (however they may be getting around the systems), and our Community Team (hi) and Customer Support staff hand the information over of the cheater to the dev team, who then have to manually find, validate, and ban the cheater on their side. That isn't super fast or anything, but we're as on top of it as possible.


Originally posted by SparkyFishofPoly

I just wanted to say that I’m incredibly impressed with the constant communication from everybody at Mediatonic. Lots of people don’t seem to understand just how much work it is to do everything you all are doing, and you’re even keeping us all in the loop as it happens. <3

Thanks <3!!! :)


Originally posted by ThinkFree

We had to take things into our own hands if u/OliverAge24Artist u/FallGuysJoe u/trichoglossusbee can't ban the cheaters.

1) why do people do this what is the fun i don't underSTAND????????

but more importantly

2) We send everything like this to EAC so they can look into how people are circumventing the anti-cheat system, and they can then make constant improvements. Hopefully you don't get this again, nor frequently, but bare with us in the meantime. :(


Lmfao 100000/10

01 Nov


Originally posted by HailPaim0n

Lmao, imagine unironically talking about "rediquette"

I love Hereditary. Nice UN.

30 Oct


Originally posted by AngelicMicrowave

Sorry for the late response, no I didn't get into the game and it said I was disconnected from the server after that happened, future games have been fine and I don't think this is a client issue considering this is the first time this has happened to me in my 20 hours of playtime

Okay super odd but glad you're playing OK now!


Originally posted by Merlin_The_Wizurd

Oh my gosh thank you so much!:-) A few hours too late for your stream unfortunately lol

We'll do another similar one for sure soon! :D! I've saved this for then.


Originally posted by Nethervex

were you able to report it

Being that there's no in game report system, probably not lol

I thought you were OP in my reply here!