

26 May


Originally posted by xWolfx93

valor is gonna raid you in full painted cloth gear.

The plan was a god-ovis and lance.

25 May


Originally posted by wildcardvalor

Is this challenge open to everyone?

Asking for a friend.


Is this challenge open to everyone?


Originally posted by Cuddlehead

Remember in World of Warcraft, when you opened a support ticket and a gm would teleport next to you in a few minutes. I remember.

While I'd love to provide the same level of support as Blizzard in their prime, I don't think we can compete with a subscription based game with a large support team. We're doing the best with what we have and we're definitely making strides.

24 May


Originally posted by caelaran

So there is not an order for the research notes?

Part of the story is that you're piecing the story together fragments you find.


Originally posted by HawkZoned

As long as it takes for them to get through the queue and to your ticket.

Accurate! We're working on it!


At the moment, due to the amount of cases we have and the new level of enforcement we are going to be providing on consoles our responses to tickets will be fairly slow. However, we're working through our backlog and will be ramping up our enforcement of consoles until it is at the same level as PC.

Unfortunately, the Enforcement team is unable to provide compensation for lost items, however if you make a ticket regarding the lost stuff our Support team can help you out.

While I won't help a ticket skip in the queue, if you want to DM me your ticket number I can at least check as to why it was set to solved. I want to make sure everything is being routed properly as we are ramping this process up.

23 May


Originally posted by Polyhydroxybutyrate

700% dmg pump shotgun should help then :)

That'll do it. lol


When I did the Overseer I was very happy that I brought my best shotguns and a lot of ammo (in addition to rexes/yutys).

11 May


Originally posted by ziplobthud

Any chance of a snippet of what new commands you working on dude? While I'm hear and that's your goal, are you aware of any issues with spawning silcate as the command has not been working for me and i know of other server owners that are having the same issue? This is using the gfi code on a Nitrado on Xbox.

Gfi uses some different logic. Not sure if it'll work with silicate. Might have to use the long command for that one. I'm working on something to spawn a lost dino back in a cryopod. No promises on that one though. Also one to teleport to players more easily and another to help when trying to hatch a dino. Hopefully they'll pan out but no promises. This is something I do as extra when I have the time.


Probably not too much. I might play around with my data to make some new views and take another stab at making a few new cheat commands.

09 May


Originally posted by El-shaddoll

Thank you for your repose. I guess We'll just keep submitting tickets. it's just so soul destroying watching my tribe slowly give up after almost 2 year of progress because another tribe can abuse in-game mechanics to the point they're completely unraidable, letting cheaters win gets to me on a real high personal level!

That being said, PS4 enforcement are good at replacing tamed and items. 3 incidents of losing items and 1 losing tames and a Gm Tobida was in the tribe in less than 10 days and replaced what we lost. Just the enforcement of abuse is lacking.

If i give you the support ticket could you progress it any further?

Unfortunately, that'd be favoritism and I can't do that. That's the road to darkness. I'll go bug a programmer today for something to help me accelerate things. Don't tell Chris.


Originally posted by ziplobthud

Need anyone for the Xbox team valor? Very experienced in this type of thing.

I don't believe we're hiring atm. What I'm working on is more of a tools problem than a people problem. I'm lining up the ones and zeroes properly for maximum impact.

08 May


I'm working on building out some tools to help console enforcement. It is a work in progress but I'll get there.

07 May


Originally posted by DockingCobra


I posted above but so you don't miss it cheat destroytribeiddinos 2000000000


Originally posted by Ezzo1992

You need to get away from there so the lag stops then you need one baby Dino that you havent claimed and use admincheat destroytribedino (it may be slightly different should be easy to google). This will kill all the unclaimed dinos you've got on the map if you can't get away from the lag another admin will work. As far as I know it doesn't have to be the same Dino just any unclaimed baby

cheat destroytribeiddinos 2000000000 will do the trick as well. That's the ID for unclaimed dinos. You can trust me because reasons.

06 May


Originally posted by ThatFredditor

Okay okay fine your analytics are baller I admit it. I'm just going to stop setting you up for these data checks before you tell me how many high level thylas on rafts there are.

Tempt me not.


Originally posted by ThatFredditor

Rafts Bannable 2019

By that logic I'd need to go ban 17885 tribes. D:


Originally posted by xWolfx93

Floating structures are bannable - unless the structures are designed to be floating from a dev point of view.

Vaccuums do have a "i can float" logic build in. e.g. if you build a stack of 10 vaccum on top of each other and demo the bottom one - the rest wont fall. This is by design to enable the water as a 3D building space, since all water dinos are basically "flyers" (can move in all 3 dimensions)

What he said.