

24 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]

You could go in release order:

1.island 2./scorched earth 3.abberation 4.extinction

You won’t be doing much relaxing on any map that isn’t the island though.

Ragnarok is pretty chill imo.

11 Jul

02 Jul

18 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]

Lol you should see the creatures on official with 2k mutations

Yes. Only 2k. nervous laughter

14 Jun


Originally posted by genie45

that explains stuff

Uh... Captn! Hide the evidence!

13 Jun


Originally posted by muddfct

Genie is awesome! Always gets back to me in under a week or so and gets shit done.

Yeah, we're working on ways to clone him. Results have been unsuccessful so far. You can see them lurking in the red zone in aberration.


Originally posted by hiimzech

good luck if its genie45 tho

Genie is not a GM. He is an enforcer. He does not giveth, only taketh away.

07 Jun


Exactly what we need to add; hair physics rendering


Originally posted by LocoLoboDesperado

I can see your point. Right now though Rocket Running is the only choice for certain crawl caves. If they could make it to where all caves could be soaked by at least something that would be nice. As it is though, rocket running seems to be the only option for some caves :/

Or no building in caves. >:D


Originally posted by IronGold-Reaper

Let’s be real, you guys don’t ban for that, or really anything else. That being said, it is silly for people to spend actual money to purchase in game stuff. I will never understand it.

06 Jun


I'm not sure how much it'd cost in game, but in USD it'd be about one ban for real-money trading.


Originally posted by AngrySaltire

Please show them all off in all their glory at some point. Would be an interesting read.

I'd like to but some other things have priority atm.


Originally posted by AngrySaltire

Ignore the haters XD . I would love to get a look at the ingame statistics such as these. Just think of the graphs you could make.

I have so many graphs. Graphs for days.


Originally posted by Tesseract4D2

Maybe someone needs to put this in perspective for you, since you guys seem to understand money.

If another company was stealing your code, and sometimes they got punished for it, but most of the time the courts just closed your case without addressing it, you'd be pretty frustrated.

now imagine when the court punished the criminals, you didn't get anything back for the damage caused. you just had to move on.

now imagine you tried to booby trap your code, but the courts said that was illegal, and that YOU could be in trouble for it.

so your stuff is being stolen, the criminals aren't being held accountable, when they're punished, you STILL don't get anything back, and trying to defend yourself gets YOU in trouble.

this is how your playerbase feels.

I have over 6500 hours in ark total, about 2000 of it on official. That's not even a lot compared to most of the official players, so you have to realize they have as much time invested p...

Read more

And much like the real world, booby traps ARE illegal. Most likely because they can also affect innocent people as well. We're working on resolving the cheating issue but the answer to that isn't to allow some cheating.


Originally posted by Roseveld

wow awesome, which is the top 3 of killers? My guess would be that raptors are on number 1?



Originally posted by ThatFredditor

Or, ya know, I take 20 seconds to post a stat every once in a while. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Originally posted by Roseveld

lol, do you guys keep statistics of this? That would be funny.

Yes. The number is 1,831,240 now though.


Originally posted by redditaccountuser2

It’s one of the only dinos that can knock you off a mount and they’re weak as f**k. As long as you’re wearing flak you’re good they will barely do any damage. Wild dinos are easy to deal with I don’t see why you’re complaining about this

1,831,126 deaths to raptors says that they're pretty darn deadly. lol


Originally posted by qrzkoim

So what should I do about current mesh defenses for my otherwise normal base? If going into the mesh is bannable and mesh structures are a dev wipeable offense, my options feel pretty limited. I realize I broke rules, but I mean, that's life on console.

It isn't ideal but I would recommend submitting a ticket explaining the situation and requesting that a GM remove your mesh defense turrets.