

01 May


Originally posted by Pojobob

"overly disruptive in the interim" They heavy heavy nerfed the most used agent in the game lol. How are they going to be more disruptive than that?

I talked about this a bit on Twitter, it's hard to convey the context in that few characters. Masters Shanghai itself is on 8.08, but they'll play on 8.07 until then. So, our hope was that by getting these changes out for 8.08, teams will have to time to actually adjust to them before having to play on them competitively rather than flipping things immediately. We also wanted to get ahead of Cypher and Viper and are trying to be more proactive with balance changes this year.


Originally posted by Sea_Roy

How do you address the radical difference between Pro level play and even the highest level of ranked, non-pro play? As it stands with the example of the latest Viper nerfs, the focus seems solely on faciliating pro-play while ignoring the issues in ranked.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that organized, pro play is massively different than even the best ranked game, and as a result there are fundamental differences in how the game is played. This in turn results in different usages in agents, with Viper being a very notable example. While I can sympathize with the goal of wanting to push players towards becoming better, having agents / maps / gameplay designed for organized pro-play and expecting them to function similarly in ranked, which is inherently disorganized, seems like a pipedream that will leave many that never reach that level disappointed.

Hey! This is a great question. I also appreciate you challenging the perceived mindset while also being super respectful.

Candidly, this is a really difficult space, and I think deeper topics like this are probably better handled over voice than text. I think there are a few things I can highlight, though:

  • When we make content, we do aspire for it to be relevant in as many environments as possible. That means across the spectrum of skill (lower skill to higher skill) as well as across the spectrum of coordination (lower coordination to higher coordination).
    • Pro play is high skill, high coordination.
    • Playing in Premier with a crew of lower ranked friends might be low/medium skill, high coordination.
    • Playing in high level solo queue would be high skill, low coordination. Et cetera.
  • I agree that some of our content doesn't feel as relevant as it could be across some of these variables. Some things feel a lot bet...
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Originally posted by [deleted]


Yall are owed a deeper explanation on this, but the short version is that:

  • Replication saw very low player numbers, to the point of queue health concerns (players waiting in queue for long periods of time OR playing in pretty lopsided/unbalanced matches). There just weren't that many people who played it, even if it might not feel that way for folks who loved it.
  • Replication takes a non-negligible amount of work for us to maintain, given the unique nature of the bugs it can create with all the interactions there. It creates a little pocket of special issues we have to address that are only relevant in Replication, whereas most of our bugs permeate across many of our modes (meaning when you fix them, you're improving the experience in lots of different places)
  • Replication also is difficult to maintain in terms of performance, with some players in some scenarios (for example, 10 vipers) in our minimum spec machines falling to really low FPS thresholds ...
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Originally posted by Emrayoo

Do you have any news about a replay system for us?

We'll have more details on that front just explaining where things are at in that May video as well.


Originally posted by Clear-Organization25

i have a question. Is replication coming back soon anytime in the coming updates?

There aren't any current plans to bring Replication back this episode, no


Originally posted by JackIsntTheBox

(You probably can't answer this, but) Are the aforementioned changes you guys plan on making purely agent changes, or can we expect changes to other parts of the game (i.e: maps, game modes, etc)

For 8.11 we have agent balance changes and an update to the map rotation; those are the things that the Live Game team will be talking about in the video specifically.


Originally posted by presidentofjackshit

Is there more significant Cypher/Viper stuff or is it mostly aimed at other agents?

8.11 will be other agents


Originally posted by Lahemmy

Do we have any sort of timeline on when the ranked map rotation might change? I think a fair portion of players currently feel as though it’s getting quite stale. Thanks in advance.

We'll be rotating it in early June, right after Masters Shanghai!


Originally posted by TalonJames

Is the video some sort of 'State of the Agents'? Feel's like its been awhile since one of those.

Also, you probably cant answer this but is the team looking at Reyna for potential changes?

Kind of, broader scope than agents - we have a few teams that have sections. The Live Game team (we do balance and such) is one of the teams that has a section. Can't go into details on the specifics quite yet but I'd be sure to watch it!


Originally posted by LeKobeBrames

Are these changes being looked at holistically? Or is the target to combat staleness in the meta from a professional aspect which will trickle down to us casual ranked gamers.

Holistically. But, it's worth noting that VALORANT is fundamentally a competitive game - and if the game doesn't function at the highest level, we think we've failed. We tend to bias towards high level or pro balance because that is the pinnacle of VALORANT play that, as players learn and get better, they should be aspiring towards. That's not to say we don't want the game to be balanced for all of our players, though - we definitely do.

It'd just be a strange state of the game for the game to get worse or less balanced the better you get at it. Why would you keep investing time, then?

All that being said, yeah we're looking at things holistically. I personally believe these changes should feel relevant for all of our players, not just professionals.

30 Apr


Hey, this was me. I just wanted to say that we're working on a video right now that will go into a bit more detail on these changes, set to launch around mid-May. Happy to answer whatever questions I can in the interim (although I can't answer everything!)


Originally posted by thekmanpwnudwn

Masters Shanghai ends June 9. So assuming the above theory is correct, the soonest would be ~6 weeks

Just to dispel any speculation, this is when our next map rotation will occur, yeap. Right after Masters Shanghai.


Originally posted by Unnecessary-Shouting

Can you answer why swiftplay has the same map pool as comp? It gets so stale playing short matches on a very a limited number of maps, and no one is using swiftplay to practice for ranked. Why even have casual modes if it is so dependent on being the same as ranked?

So, I talked about this a bit 4 months ago when we made this change, so you can find context in the link below. But, I want to say that our intent has always been to evaluate how this does, and we see a lot of the feedback yall are giving around how it's felt and we're talking about it internally. We hear you on the pain of the current system.

Older context:


Originally posted by dinmammapizza

Viper changes are overkill and will make icebox and Breeze even more torture now. Couldn't care less about cypher but the cam change is a bit weird.

What im the the most disappointed about is the fact that there was no duelist changes because right now we have 1 op, 1 playable and the rest are trash. Im getting tired of raze and jett only.

Also no map pool rotation is weird af with how people are begging for Breeze and icebox to be rotated out

I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but just wanted to confirm that we are working on Duelist changes right now. We'll be ready to talk more details soon (we're working on a dev diary video rn), and you can expect to see some changes shipped after Masters 2.


Originally posted by packy17

They… they really didn’t rotate any of the maps? Why?

We're in the middle of VCT right now - there'll be a map rotation after Masters 2 in June!

09 Jan


Originally posted by Lil-Widdles

Idiot here, is there any major reason players can’t have a choice? I think that your point about the entire map pool being overwhelming to new players is completely valid, but removing the option for any public matchmaking on those maps seems cruel. There are a lot of people who want to play the inactive map pool that don’t have 9 friends who play Valorant, much less 9 friends that can all play at the same time just so we can play on a different map.

A lot of the maps currently in the inactive pool are really fun, and as more maps are released, eventually a majority of the maps will be in the inactive pool. If this is the long term solution, there would be no way for a majority of players to actually play a majority of the game.

My idea would be a box that is checked by default every time you launch the game, put on the UI next to the queue button that says “Competitive Map Pool Only”. Have it there for every game mode (INCLUDING Unrated) that isn’t Comp or a game ...

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Hey, totally a reasonable question. The biggest cost you pay here is match quality/matchmaking for both queues. In this scenario, generally players in both queues for Swiftplay - all maps and compet-pool-only maps - would wait in queue longer for games that are likely lower quality in terms of being balanced teams. Especially if you start also trying to do party balance like avoiding putting 5-stacks against solo queuers, etc.

It's not impossible if both queues are extremely popular, but it falls apart really fast and is pretty difficult to maintain. Queue health is something we internally have to be pretty diligent about maintaining; it feels bad to be in badly balanced games and it feels bad to wait in queue for awhile, especially for a 10-15 minute experience. So, it's all a balancing act.


Originally posted by pleasefirekykypls

This logic does make a lot of sense especially when the map pool becomes huge

Still, its tough for a veteran player to sympathize that hard with new players, and most players here likely play more than the majority of the playerbase. Swiftplay seems like the best onboarding mode, and probably some of the best warmup modes as well, so I would agree with the decision to move it to the regular pool. However, and this may just be my individual opinion, it would be really nice if atleast spikerush kept the full pool, allowing it to lean further into its wacky and relaxed theme.

I think this is a reasonable take fwiw, it's something we've talked about. We just wanted to try the universal consistent approach first to see how it went.


Originally posted by pleasefirekykypls

Map Rotation All modes (except Team Deathmatch and Custom games) will use the Competitive map rotation. Current rotation: Icebox, Lotus, Sunset, Breeze, Ascent, Bind, Split

Not sure why they did this tbh. Some people who almost only play comp were already never seeing certain maps, but it was a nice refresh to go into another mode and be able to play them. Now, theyll basically disappear from your mind during the almost 1 year where they're out of rotation.

If the thought is to keep some consistency between the unrated frogs and the comp no lifers, then atleast keep them in swiftplay and spikerush imo. Those are already supposed to be the super casual modes.

I'll miss Haven man..

I talk about this call on the other VAL subreddit here for a bit of context.


Originally posted by theblazingkoala

If a Riot dev is here, can they explain why a mode like swiftplay or spike rush is now adhering to the competitive map pool? I get it for comp and unrated but the other modes are shorter and not built around the same rules as a normal length game, so why restrict their map pool?

I wager the majority of people can't just get a group of 10 people together willy nilly to do customs on those maps and I still quite enjoy some that are out of rotation but now will have 0 chance to play them in my Swiftplays.

Hey! I can give a little context here. So, first off, this is a pretty simple change and something we'll be gathering feedback on; definitely open to reevaluating this if there's a lot of criticism here. To share some of the reasons why we wanted to pull the entire modes ecosystem into one pool:

  • Right now, the majority of players who play Swiftplay still play it as a side mode, with Unrated or Competitive being their main way to engage with VAL. We've seen feedback from these players that Swiftplay games on maps outside of the map pool can feel "wasted", as they're not relevant to their main game experience, and they're mainly looking for ways to get fast reps of the VAL experience (warming up for ranked, practicing a new agent for Premier, etc.). By bringing all modes into the map rotation, we ensure that games remain relevant for folks who are also engaging in our Unrated/Compet queues, which are the vast majority of players who play these modes.
  • For playe...
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25 Aug


Hey all! Wanted to clear up any confusion re: the patch 7.04 preview for VAL:

This patch won't go live until next week, AFTER Champions. There are a lot of changes here that we've been testing for awhile, and I want to give some more context around how we're thinking about them:

Regarding timing: This is a big patch that we've been testing internally for awhile now. We're not willing to risk potentially disrupting Champions with a major patch during the tournament, so we opted to drop this patch afterwards to give player...

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