War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

11 Dec

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by unknown_11: Hello,

Will be the chally 2 OES on sale if its GE premium? I know that if its new for next 3 uptades its not on sale, but its not a pack so?
Any thoughts?
And when will be the christmas sale?(-50%)

The Challenger 2 OES will not be on sale at Christmas.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi. Premium accounts do not get biased matchmaking.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi. What Japanese tank is the one you're having issues with?
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, you can't turn clouds off completely.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Xamber: Hi there, long shot and not sure if this has been discussed yet but after playing a few years this game, which I really like and enjoy.
Have the devs considered a first person shooter based to be added as an option? It would be great to see this option made to a history war game based. Imagine fps with the odd tank or air support. This would be an awesome addition to the game.

Hi, a first-person shooter mode for War Thunder will likely never come. We've got our other title that we publish called Enlisted for this.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, no it's just a window pop-up showing you all of the squadron vehicles. If didn't have the ones below, you could click on them and choose to research them for next time.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by flat_Lander1: Will gaijin ever fix broken top tier ztz armour? It's full of holes especially in the turret and near it.
How TF can ztz96a get overpressured (or often penned on the front side of the turret through ERA) by M247 M811 Delay Fuze belt or ztz96 can be killed by a 7.62MG in the hull wtf is this

Hi, if you suspect the armor of the ZTZ tanks is wrong or broken, please submit a detailed report or find an existing one and add to it on our platform. Thank you for your thread!


08 Dec

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by French Cat:
Originally posted by CyberStonka: IMHO It's not a good idea. This will create mass confusion among players and even more complains on balance in battle.
Example: SBD-3 with the gun pods turns into a monster. 6 .50 cals at 2.0 is very effective. I think that those gun pods should increase the BR to 2.7
Vehicles BR is calculated ot vehicles performance in battle, no matter the loadout you take.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Right now, without this system many players are confusing different versions of vehicles and complain on "How it's possible to face XYZ when I am on X.XBR?!".
And now multiple it with different BRs for SAME vehicle.
Think on the idea a bit.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
IMHO It's not a good idea. This will create mass confusion among players and even more complains on balance in battle.

06 Dec

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by The Brit:
Originally posted by magazine2: Hi, the event plane hasn't become a premium. It's the same type of aircraft for a different unit, with a different camo and of course premium benefits.

"its got a different camo, give us $70"

What a disgrace gaijin has become

It's an optional premium jet for those who want it. It's similar to ones in the game already, but you aren't really missing out on anything by not getting it. Still, the opt... Read more
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, the event plane hasn't become a premium. It's the same type of aircraft for a different unit, with a different camo and of course premium benefits.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Omega Sirius: Every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ update they add new premium vehicles. How many premium vehicles is enough? I''m getting sick of it. Can't go a single update without adding a premium.

What is going on in their head? What do they think of the player base?
"oooohh we better add a premium vehicle so that players can have something to buy or else they will get angry!!!!"
I'm pretty sure there is more than 100 premium vehicles in the game. And that's only one way Gaijin makes money off this game.

Hi, thanks for your concerns. You've got to keep in mind that this is a free to play game, and selling premiums help to keep the game running.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, what about it doesn't work? Does nothing happen or does the menu disappear?
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hotschi48: Good news for naval players, the USN Worcester light cruisers are coming and it will be a tech tree vessel as well, no premium or package this time.

I guess it will be put in between Pittsburgh and Alaska in the research tree, but who knows.

Definitely looking forward to it!

Hope you enjoy :steamthumbsup:

05 Dec

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

The rules about previous screenshots- screenshots from previous competitions cannot be used. For example, if you had 5-10 uploads for contest #65, and one or two of them fit the theme for contest #90, we do not want (edit: the same) screenshots submitted for a 2nd time.

While the competition is active/ongoing, you can upload and share as many new screenshots as you would like on Steam. All screenshots published in that week will be considered eligible for that contest so long as they follow the terms (So if the theme is 1930s, we will not be considering modern equipment, that kind of thing).

Re: Popularity contest- Yes, there are a dozen individuals who fairly routinely end up in the top 3, it has not escaped notice. We do have a few comments though-
-- While some weeks these artists receive even 100's++ upvotes for 1st place, there are other weeks where the "by-vote" podium is readily accessible, typically requiring 5-10 votes to secure a spo... Read more
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Merry Christmas
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Shyue Chou: I wonder what the best selling premium ever is? Would it be the T-72AV TURMS? I see more of it than any other premium vehicle over the years. It is still popular today and is not outdated. I play it too. Any idea as to what the top bestselling premium is?

Hi, this information is not public.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by akwie3: Any idea when they will add India as nation? they have the 4th best military in the world and I don't understand why they did not add them yet. How can they add Israel, Sweden and China BEFORE INDIA!!??
Please remove caps lock for your thread title. :squirtmeh:
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Destoyer-Of-The-Seas:
Originally posted by Keengurru: In 1 match i gained 15000 RP points for vehicle research, but i only recieved less than 13000. Is it just gaijin or am i missing something?
now you are getting it? maybe they silent nerfed rp gain with out any one knowing. hmmm like i been saying for the past month before.

but trust me they will deny but its in there record from past
Stop making things up.

Originally posted by Keengurru: In 1 match i gained 15000 RP points for vehicle research, but i only recieved less than 13000. Is it just gaijin or am i missing so...
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