War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

18 Feb

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by E-Man720: You still don't get much though.
The most iv'e gotten out of any battle lately has been around 300, and when your researching their 3-4 planes its just a grind.

My recommendation to you would be to buy premium when it is a high percentage off (50+, sometimes even close to 75% off). this way you will only spend ~5,000 GE on premium (About $0.07 a day), and you will get all of the perks that come with premium, such as the increased RP and increased SL gain.

Usually the sales last for ~4-7 days, and usually only once per year, around summer time.
    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Log out and log back in.

I think if you go to your "profile" or "Stat card", it should say "Change user", log out & just log back in.

You should be given all of your missing RP, or that has been my experience anyhow.

07 Dec

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you have been banned or devoiced, either in-game, on the Steam Community Hub, or on the Official War Thunder Forums, this thread will direct you how to get more information or appeal as is needed. Please keep in mind that any threads created on War Thunder forums regarding a ban or devoice may be locked or hidden, hence it is crucial to follow the correct procedure in order to maximise the efficiency of your claim.

Forums Action may be taken against users that are in breach of the ... Read more

12 Sep

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The general discussion section will comprise of general discussions relating to War Thunder, that is, discussions that would not fall under any of the other Sub-Forums. When posting in this section, here is a guide and a few helpful tips:

Please click h... Read more

06 Jun

    DiscorderlyChaos on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
or you could go play custom battles

19 Apr

    TheShaolinMonk on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There indeed is. Here's how you do it:

Go to the Menu in game. select 'controls' menu. Select 'instructor' tab at the top of the controls menu. For "Throttle Boost Hint", turn it to 'no'. Now, when you turn off your engine (default by pressing ' i ') It should stay off.

Don't forget to have your throttle at 0%

30 Oct

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Question (Q). Will realistic thermodynamic models of engine be introduced?
Answer (A). Thermodynamic models are under development no ETA yet.

Q.Will there be ground physics like dirt, traces on the ground etc.?
A.There will be dirt on tank tracks, of course, as well as traces left by them. But we are not planning to introduce any dynamic terramorphing.

Q. Will strategic targets like airfields have any damage models, not just a general indicator showing the remaining hit points?
A. It is possible, but even if we decide to do so, it won’t be high on our priorities list.

Q. Will critically damaged planes fall to pieces under overloading? It is unclear how damage effects work for damaged aircraft now.
A. We already answered this question previously. “Constructional damage already affects the maximum load a plane can sustain. If an aircraft has its wings damaged, it can fall apart while doing a steep turn.”

Q. How about navigators ... Read more

20 Sep

    DiscorderlyChaos on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Play for fun.

07 Sep

    DiscorderlyChaos on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
mmm just look at the quality, you'll see with tanks.