Warface: Breakout

Warface: Breakout Dev Tracker

03 Jun

02 Jun


Hi everyone!

Many of you have already played enough Warface: Breakout to reach level 50, which is commonly considered the end of the progress. However, this is not the case.

Mastery levels

In fact, it is only the beginning: after you reach level 50, you start gaining Mastery levels. There is an infinite number of Mastery levels, so your progress will continue no matter how long you play. Each mastery level requires 200.000 experience.

Reward boxes

You'll also get a reward box every time you get 2 mastery levels. No worries - this will also keep happening infinitely or until you get everything available from the reward boxes.

So, there is progress after level 50 :) Next time we will tell you how armor works in Warface: Breakout and what do you need it for.

Thanks for playing our game!


Warface: Breakout Team

External link →

They are not ignored. It's just that we don't have really much to say about it right now other than the fact that we are working on it (which really happens).

Thanks for letting me know that it looks that we ignore them though, really not intended to be like that.

31 May


Hi everyone!

So today we have achieved a very important milestone - 1000 subs in this subreddit.

We hope you have a good time in our game, despite some of its flaws you guys highlighted here. We truly believe that with your support and feedback we'll be able to make our game even more enjoyable for you - smooth, fun and competitive.

Thank you for being with us and enjoy your stay here and in our game. Hope it's only the beginning of our long journey :)


Warface Team

External link →

Thanks, we'll note these :)


> get out the ironing board and make this game look like a kids shirt on his first job interview> kill screen appears to be calculated based on where a headless chicken dies on a roulette wheel

"This... does put a smile on my face."

Feedback is always good, but that kind of feedback makes our day as a dev team. Thanks!

30 May


Wow. Will investigate that one.


Hi everyone
We apologize to those who are experiencing this bug. It is one of the top issues we are working on. While we don't have the update eta just yet, please know we are working to bring fixes for this and other issues as soon as we can.


Feedback in a meme format? Thumbs up ;)

P.S. Thanks guys, we'll keep working to make the game better for you.


Hello everyone!

Yesterday we found out the reason for some of the freezes you edperience - the HDR function. Here is a small guide on how you can switch off the HDR function for PlayStation and Xbox

How to switch off HDR on PlayStation

It is impossible to switch it off in the game interface, as PlayStation settings override the game settings. That is why the HDR is setting is always "inactive".

  1. Navigate to the main screen of your PlayStation;
  2. Navigate to Settings, then to Sound and Screen.
  3. Select Video Output Settings, then Video Output Information.
  4. Switch off HDR

How to switch off HDR on Xbox

  1. Navigate to the graphic settings of the game
  2. Set HDR to "Off"

Please note that it won't fix ALL the freezes, but it should mitigate some of them. The fix of other freezes (both micro freezes and longer ones, like several seconds or so) is currently under development.

... Read more External link →

Thanjks. Indeed, we are currently trying to fix all those problems you guys are facing.


Thanks a lot for your feedback and for the understanding, too.

We are constantly browsing the feedback threads here and in other places, arrange the problems according to their priority and try to find all possible ways to fix them.

We know many of the technical issues prevent you from having the fun you could have while playing our game, so we;ll work hard to get rid of all those nasty things :)


Originally posted by JayHeartay

The harsh criticism is very much deserved. Not many issues are being overblown, some just refuse to believe it can be that bad. The hit registration issues, connection issues and game-breaking bugs/glitches happen way too often for the game to be considered anywhere near stable. Having a poor match quality is the default at the moment, and I'm pleasantly surprised when the game runs smoothly.

If you've watched Dr.Disrespect stream the game today you should be aware of all of those things. Players have been very vocal about the issues and while many refused to believe they were grounded in facts, the Dr's stream is now crucial factual evidence.

The game needs a lot of work. People are simply disappointed they paid $20 for a game that wasn't exactly ready for release. It's understandable and perfectly reasonable to expect much better than what we currently have.

The launch window is always the most important time to get feedback ASAP. I am certain the devs fin...

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> I am certain the devs find great value in the feedback provided so far.

We really do. Thank you so much for your feedback, guys, we'll try to improve it all as soon as possible.


Hi Bluesky
This was something we mentioned in our latest update blog. We will be addressing this in an upcoming update soon.

Quote from post:

We have already discovered the cause of such an unpleasant situation and are currently testing a potential solution. If the test w...

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29 May


HI Krayjd
Thank you for the suggestion. We currently have this implemented for Hardcore only at the moment. But I can pass forward a suggestion to monitor the situation in Casual as well to see what the team thinks for there.