@EstoicoPrometeo There's so much star dust in our eyes 😭
@blissy Definitely hype!
@gigaslyce Honestly, a really reasonable deal. You hear that, Lotus??? Hand over the nuggies!
@F3Azar @DigitalExtremes Hi Tenno. Cross Save, Cross Play and Warframe on Mobile will be releasing in 2022. We will have more information on that front in the new year. First, The New War!
@MattDoogue @soelloo Good luck, Matt!
@FacelessBeanie Us too, Tenno! 😭
@xiFlynn Same ngl
@Radiant_TDB Awww Tenno. Well, at least you'll be well rested and ready to take on the Sentients when you get back from vacation!
@xiFlynn 👀
@JamieVoiceOver We're not crying, we swear!
@Mendoza15Manuel An early happy birthday to you, Tenno!
@mikegalvin_ Wishing we could like this tweet 100 times!
@Skypiece7 We have been so eager to show this! Glad you're excited, Tenno. Best of luck against the Sentients!
@KallianRaevyn Woo!
@Fotus297 Hi Tenno! This is a useful guide for everything you need to do before The New War, including how to get a Necramech!
@jackwabbaa 😭 😭
@ghdusdl0726: caliban doodle #Warframe
@yzkrrruiji_game: #Warframefanart New Frame…US…🤫
@Krockozor You love to see him!
@KleeWee Glad you enjoyed it Tenno!