
Warframe Dev Tracker

26 Mar

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Only Support can address concerns over account status such as suspensions and bans. You must reach out to Support for information about account status, if Support has already replied you should be able to find their responses in your email.

Locking thread.

23 Mar

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You'll want to reach out to support at https://support.warframe.com - only they can help you with this.
    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Locking thread as it revived an old topic, and is being taken out of context.

15 Mar

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Tenno.

This is an issue for Support at https://support.warframe.com - you'll have to submit a support ticket and wait for a response to this issue.

Locking thread.

22 Feb

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You need to contact Support at https://support.warframe.com for any questions around Account Status or Moderation. If you already have tickets with Support, you will need to wait for a response.

21 Feb

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Tenno!

As Verios44 said, you'll need to reach out to support at https://support.warframe.com . Create a new account with a different email address, create a ticket, and describe your issue. Support can look up your old account to verify ownership.
    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Tenno. As others have suggested, your best course of action is to reach out to Support at https://support.warframe.com . To do so, you'll want to make a new account with a different email address and submit a ticket. Support will verify ownership of your original account and help restore access to it.

11 Feb

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 4B:
Originally posted by deadvezok: 9 числа получил бан неизвестно за что, в чате ничего не писал, черным рынком не пользовался, поддержка уже сутки не отвечает:albionskull:
А как ты связался с поддержкой? Ситуация похожая, бан не за что, но я не смог с поддержкой связаться.

You can reach support at ... Read more

07 Feb

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please reach out to Support at https://support.warframe.com . Since your account is compromised, you will want to create a secondary account using a different email address (this helps us during recovery) to submit a ticket with.

31 Jan

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Our team has been alerted to reports of past Steam Entitlements suddenly being revoked or ‘no longer available’ once logging into Warframe.

We have fixed this issue, and said items will be returned to you upon Relog!

However, this has resulted in a few players being put into a negative Platinum balance and not being able to log into the game. Our next steps are:

  1. We are manually rebalancing the negatively balanced players to a TEMPORARY 0 balance. This will allow affected players to log into the game, at which you will be sent your entitlement Platinum balance back on relog. We kindly ask that you do not spend this Platinum until we run the rebalance script tomorrow as noted below.
  2. We are then working on 2 scripts:
    1. The first will rebalance your Platinum to ensure you have the proper amount.
    2. The second will rebalance the items that were resent to you, including XP, as they were sen...
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13 Jan

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you are not receiving items you paid for, please reach out to Support at https://support.warframe.com , they should be able to help resolve your issue.

01 Nov

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Locking this thread as it was over 10 years old.

17 Sep

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Locked, for breaking our Steam Discussion Forum rules, found here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/230410/discussions/0/4627984302694116519/.

  • Do not discuss bans, or argue with moderation.
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    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As mentioned by other users, you will need to reach out to Support at https://support.warframe.com. They will be able to help you recover your account. You can create a second account to access Support, and they will verify you are the rightful owner of the original account.

27 Aug

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is an issue for support at https://support.warframe.com . Locking this thread.

22 Jun

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Locking this post as it goes against our Warframe Steam Discussion Rules (found here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/230410/discussions/0/4627984302694116519/ )

  • Do not discuss bans, or argue with moderat...
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    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Locking this post as it goes against our Warframe Steam Discussion Rules (found here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/230410/discussions/0/4627984302694116519/ )

  • Do not discuss bans, or argue with moderat...
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17 Jun

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Tenno, this comment is correct, you'll want to reach out to Warframe Support. You can reach them at https://support.warframe.com .

Originally posted by ☼Solaire Of Astora☼:
Originally posted by 花生·90327: Dear DE customer service, hello
I'm a new player in Warframe who has just played for three months, and I played in the Moon Survival Map for 3 hours on June 17, 2024 at around 9 pm, but in the end, the final settlement was that I ...
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12 Jun

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Your Primary Account is the account which progress will be kept on, while any Secondary Account will lose its progress if you are Linking (it sounds like you are).

If you want to keep your PSN Progress, you should choose PSN as your Primary Account.

Regardless of what you choose as your Primary Account, you will be able to use both Playstation and PC to play Warframe after Linking the two platforms.

11 Jun

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
OP got their answer, and this has devolved into insulting each other after that. Locking this thread.