
Warframe Dev Tracker


Hiho Tenno!

Thanks to everybody who joined us on the journey back to 1999, and stayed for the Techrot Encore. We here at Digital Extremes are appreciative of those who have supported Warframe through every new adventure - your passion drives us to make exciting new things every day.

As we look onwards into 2025 and beyond, we wanted to hear your thoughts on our recent updates, as well as what you would like to see in Warframe's future.

Answers are anonymous and not linked to your Warframe account.

Survey Link: https://wrfr.me/43ntYp4

The Warframe 2025 survey closes on Friday, April 11th at 11 a.m. ET.


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Hey Tenno!

As it was just announced on Devstream 186, we plan on hosting an r/Warframe Ask Me Anything on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. Our AMA thread will be posted at 1 PM EDT that day, and we will answer questions from 2 PM to 4 PM EDT. 

We will be joined by 7 wonderful members from Digital Extremes (and some new faces joining us on the subreddit for the first time).

Creative Director, Rebecca Ford

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Reworked the Earth, Venus and Mars Star Chart node paths to help players reach The Second Dream Quest faster!

  • Cetus, Earth is no longer required to travel through in order to reach the Mars Junction.
  • The path from Earth to Mercury through Venus has been reduced from 4 nodes to 3 nodes.
    • Kiliken and Aphrodite were moved off the main path while Fossa was added into the main path.
  • Fossa, Venus (Assassination) has been moved into the required path for the Mercury Junction.
  • The path from Earth to Deimos through Mars has been reduced from 6 nodes to 3 nodes.
    • Hellas, Spear, Martialias, and Kadesh are no longer in the path, while Augustus has been added to the path.
  • The following Quest changes have also been made with the above goal in mind!
    • Moved The Archwing Quest Junction requirement from Mars Junction to Saturn Junction.
    • Removed Ceres and Europa Junctions from the Natah Quest...
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Thanks for the reports. We're aware of the issue and working on a fix.


EDIT: Alright, the app should be back to normal. Thanks again, everybody!

25 Mar


Originally posted by WitchOfUnfinished-

This update has so much nostalgia as a 90’s kid this is one of my favorite updates. You can tell the amount of love and thought that went into this and every update before. You can tell when a Game developer actually plays the game not to just test it but because they genuinely enjoy playing it

I keep hunting for the perfect Coda name but it still eludes me. Best I got is this and I am still trying to figure out why she quit.



Originally posted by Apex_Demon

I've been playing since 2014 and Warframe 1999 and Techrot Encore are my two personal favorite updates, and in my opinion, the best.

They are absolutely amazing and have pulled a lot of my friends back into Warframe, especially with all the QoL changes.

So many super requested QoL changes were added in the last year alone, and in the last two updates especially, it makes me even more excited for what the future has in store.

Thank you all for the great updates and the 12 years of Warframe :)

<3 Thank YOU for playing!

24 Mar


Hey Tenno!

We are aware of an issue preventing players from progressing through to the third mission of Temporal Archimedia/Elite Temporal Archimedia as a squad. Due to the later hour, a fix may not be deployed until Monday morning. As a result, we recommend waiting to play this game mode until this issue can be addressed. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and will be updating this thread with further updates.


Hey Tenno!

We are aware of an issue preventing players from progressing through to the third mission of Temporal Archimedia/Elite Temporal Archimedia as a squad. Due to the later hour, a fix may not be deployed until Monday morning. As a result, we recommend waiting to play this game mode until this issue can be addressed. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and will be updating this thread with further updates.

UPDATE: After a bit of thrash, the Temporal Archimedea mission should be swapped and stable now. Apologies for any jank you experienced in the past 15 minutes. If things are acting funky when visiting Kaya, we recommend relogging. Thanks!

EDIT: We are aware of further reports of issues. We can't confidently address this at 10:30pm on a Sunday so we'll revisit this with fresh eyes in the morning. Thanks for your patience and understanding, Tenno. <3

UPDATE 2: This issue has been resolved. Tem...

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21 Mar


With Techrot Encore's release, Steel Path and Arbitrations unintentionally require players to complete a placeholder node to unlock this content -- meaning players are currently unable to unlock Steel Path or Arbitrations if they did not do so pre-Update 38.5. This unfortunately will require a hotfix to address, and we consider it a priority for next week's deploy.

CLARIFICATION: If you already have Steel Path & Arbitrations unlocked, you should be unaffected. This is only an issue for those trying to unlock this content for the first time. 

Until then, you'll have to wait a little longer to get access to this content if you are an affected player. Apologies, Tenno!

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There was a display bug with this alert when they were first scheduled to start. It has been fixed, and you should be able to see the alert now!

20 Mar


Hi Tenno!

In our brewing Hotfix, and based on Community Feedback, Omni Forma in the Gold and Arcane reward tiers are being changed from BLUEPRINT to BUILT. In conjunction with that change, Omni Forma in the Silver reward tier remains a Blueprint, and its rarity has been adjusted to match the Tauforged rewards.

19 Mar


Originally posted by Coren024

Have they been on nodes marked in green? Doing the same one over and over again doesn't work.

Correct. You must select the green infested nodes on the POM-2 mission select.


Not a bug. You will always get 5% disinfection upon mission completion when a duet doesn't spawn.



Thanks for the report. It looks like this is caused by having a non-default setting for Numeric Separators. It is not limited to Signas but also affects a couple different offset sliders in the game.

We have an internal fix lined up for the first Hotfix.

The setting shown in this screenshot should temporarily fix the issue till the Hotfix comes out:



18 Mar



With the arrival of Techrot Encore on all platforms on Wednesday, March 19th, we would like to help prepare you with some rough update sizes on each platform well in advance:

PC: ~3.30 GB

PlayStation 4: ~32.00 GB*
PlayStation 5: ~9.00 GB*

Xbox One: ~6.03 GB
Xbox Series: ~4.04 GB

Nintendo Switch: ~2.60 GB

iOS: ~1.75 GB**

*PlayStation Remaster:
Our PlayStation Tenno will notice a larger than normal build size since we have remastered Warframe’s data to slightly optimize total disc space used. Unlike previous remasters, this update will not require a full re-download of the game.

**iOS Download Size:
When Warframe updates via the App Store, it must redownload the base install (approximately 3.95GB) which overwrites the previous install. In other words, while CERT updates require a roughly 3.95GB download, these updates are not adding 3.95 GB to your overall...

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Originally posted by LegLegend

I'm sort of confused. He says:

"Instead of needing to stab your adversary with three mods in the correct order, you will only need to find the one correct antivirus mod"

And then the visuals show us three symbols in multiple instances, just like the previous adversaries. Are these previous development builds? Am I misunderstanding what he's trying to say here? Is it a situation where it'll reveal your symbol if you got it right, even if you got the earlier symbols wrong?

Hey Tenno!

The visuals in the video show that out of the three Antivirus mods I had equipped, none of them we're the single correct mod!

As a player this would mean I should swap out all three mods, and try again with new Antivirus choices. Once I find the correct Antivirus I can continue to use it in subsequent Duet fights until I hit 100% Disinfection.

TLDR: Your Coda will be weak to ONE Antivirus mod - try to find it while you fight Duets, and then keep stabbing them!

Hope that helps<3

17 Mar


Hey Tenno! We have replaced the two broken personal modifiers, you might need to relog to see "Fractured Armor" and "Powerless" now.


Hey Tenno! Thank you for the reports about not being able to properly select personal modifiers when trying to play Deep Archimedea after this weeks reset (white square above the bottom two personal modifiers).

As it is the weekend we do not have a timeline for a fix but we are investigating the issue. We will keep you updated.

Edit: Hey Tenno! We have replaced the two broken personal modifiers, you might need to relog to see "Fractured Armor" and "Powerless" now.

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