All aboard the「SS JOJO 」😂 #Warframe #TennoLive
Let’s see what colors Rebecca uses... #Warframe #TennoLive
Meet your customizable, nameable Railjack. 🚀 Auto-cannons, missiles, decoys: The Railjack is your four-player, fully-pilotable heavy assault craft. #Warframe #TennoLive
The #Warframe: Empyrean reveal is starting now!
Let’s do some live-tweeting, eh? #TennoLive
When the Sentients attack, we must rise together. Or lose everything.
The New War — Coming Christmas 2019. #Warframe #TennoLive
Meet Gauss and Grendel, our next two Warframes.
Coming soon! #Warframe #TennoLive
“An empire fell by your hand...”
We’re so excited to unveil the new cinematic intro for #Warframe, directed by Dan Trachtenberg! (Uncharted, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Black Mirror) @DannyTRS #TennoLive
Watch the full intro here:
@Ceryyse It's fixed now!
Become the first real #SpaceNinja.
Play #Warframe to win $250,000 towards a trip to space! Learn more:
#TennoLive is starting NOW!
Tune in to witness the full reveal of #Warframe: Empyrean and get your FREE Nekros Prime!
30 minutes until #TennoLive and your free Nekros Prime!
I literally can’t look at my Twitter without crying. Here we f*ckin go.
@Ryan72019276 We're working as fast as we can! 😅
OMG, #Warframe is so close to trending on Twitter!
We're humbled by your support, Tenno. Thanks for making this the best #TennoCon yet!
@paradox_914 We're all hands on deck to get it fixed. Hang in there, Tenno!
@Raido_Valkyress Stay tuned after #TennoLive to find out!
#TennoLive begins in one hour!
Watch the full reveal of #Warframe: Empyrean to get your free Nekros Prime!
@ichini22: All cosplayers are amazing #TennoCon #Warframe
@BrendsonVII: My boy Umbra just chillin' #Warframe #TennoCon
@scifi_fan_kat: SARYN PRIME #Warframe #TennoCon