Happy #StPatricksDay Tenno!
Enjoy Double Credits before your luck runs out tomorrow!
@Toranaga18 @soelloo @moitoi Platform? This was claim fixed Friday night.
@CanYouPetTheDog: You can pet the dog in Warframe
@bertmccert I make that face every time I see your face
@CanYouPetTheDog It's true what they say.. a Kubrow is a Tenno's best friend 🥰
@13dant Want this still - not sure when yet
@CohhCarnage So happy for you!!
@KoleKrow @DigitalExtremes @PlayWarframe Excited to get it out to everyone!!
@WIFEthalion @Gothalion BUT LOOK HOW CUTE OMG
@TheKarmaPanda Any WAR#? Do you have razor (chroma) stuff installed?
@Zyth23 Fixing Monday
@Gothalion @humanscale My old lady backs feels this hard
@QuiteShallow Kinda the dream honestly
@Whirlwind1986 Noted thank you
@LookerMir Wow thanks for sorting that out I’ll make a note for the team to look as well - ideally we detect this
@CharlesJakobsen No but I'll ask the crew
@LookerMir Did you get a WAR# from crash?
Another PSA: If you play Warframe through Steam and have been experiencing difficulty with your controller (any type) please reboot your PC. We fat fingered some Steam profile data and fixed it last night and you have to restart to pull it down.
Vanquish enemies with Wisp’s signature Primary Weapon! (WIP)
@WUKONGbtch Gross - we’re looking at this to day