Melee Phase One is all about flow.
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@Steve_Shay @Sk83rboi87 Understood, thank you
@isPaPu @Fel1peZorro @PlayWarframe Investigating
@Sk83rboi87 We rotated the sortie last night :(
@SasparillaTango @kadalyst_ @PlayWarframe Yep
@kadalyst_ @PlayWarframe Ah can take a look next week
@kadalyst_ @PlayWarframe Vague to help you. Tons of options to tune performance. Turn stuff off.
@szymkim2134 We test w/similar hardware. Turn off stuff! Disable gpu particles, hdr...
@rebbford: We've got a Saturday hotfix on PC: !
@szymkim2134 Could look again at your display settings... same gpu on dx10/11 should perform very similar. Use low shader quality.
@szymkim2134 Oh I see - try dx10 in launcher settings
@szymkim2134 Specs?
@szymkim2134 ? Random lags but don’t have dx10? It doesn’t work that way - it supports dx10 or doesn’t work at all
@MikethaManc @PlayWarframe @soelloo Yes sorry looking
@Jelliecake Will ask team yep
@thundawolf1887 I know, really sorry.
@RJtheShadow Will get on the team about this
@MattDoogue Yes ideas, but team needs to dig - we think some effects thing is leaking memory :(
@csaki01 Did you get a WAR number pop up?
Just sent this hotfix out - should resolve people w/old Intel HD 3000 era integrated graphics who were crashing like crazy (dx10 driver hates NaN vertex shader trick to cull GPU particle vertices). Have a great weekend and thanks for playing and being patient with our mainline.