
Warframe Dev Tracker

06 Jan


Originally posted by UmbraIra

They said pets 2.0 needs to happen on dev stream but they have never said they were actually working on it. Khora was damage 3.0 that got shelved.

This is mostly correct, Pets 2.0, hopefully this year in terms of Stasis management changes / etc.


Originally posted by RandomLettersMS


Sorry to tag, but can we draw attention to this fellow & thread please?

Perhaps petition for a hold to abort

Many comments rolling through this little thread for the inconvenience of force aborts in Arbitrations because the abort is instant on press, and the buttons are all bound to other inputs...

Attention drawn!


Originally posted by HulloHoomans

/u/rebulast - archmelee gravimags when?

Would be super rad, damn.


He may not have to be destroyed - give me your clan name and we will copy the Dojo to Test to preserve this masterpiece forever.


We have not encountered this, but will take a look.


Thanks for the report, we will take a look.

05 Jan

03 Jan


Hey Tenno! We have a fix for this issue in the next Hotfix.

12 hours ago, Horonelius said:

What about the Ammo-restore-while-holstered-as-client bug? Can that get looked at?

Not relevant to thread, but it's been logged and you may consider this a "known bug".

02 Jan


I managed to reproduce the bug several times by forcing Warframe to run on a single CPU core, which makes the frame rate fairly erratic. Trained hunter-killer squads are now pursuing this bug.


This bug is on our list of things we'd love to fix, but we're having trouble making it actually happen. Have people gotten this with sentinels as well as cats? Does it still happen with no companion equipped at all? Does it still happen if you take all the mods off the weapon? Does it still happen if you're alone in a mission? Does it still happen if you take off your other weapons? I'm hoping that by pooling information from Tenno in the field we can narrow down the cause by process of elimination.


Originally posted by Alighierian

/u/DE_Killerkarpfen Right up your invisible alley, I think.

Got it, happy new year!

01 Jan

30 Dec