
Warframe Dev Tracker

15 Jul


Originally posted by Muxailo

u/de_killerkarpfen . As i see, it's Def mission on Earth. (for author - It's a cool guy from DE that fixes holes in maps)

Thanks for the ping, I'll take a look today.


Originally posted by KesslerCOIL

Do you also fix visual geometry? like gaps on the orbiter or in the plains?

I do. Orbiter gaps are fixed already but need to wait for other things to be ready for public.

14 Jul

13 Jul


Originally posted by KeKoSlayer29

Awesome thanks for the answer... Also just thought about... how do I get the screenshot to you and keep the metadata? Doesn't uploading it to imgur erase everything F6 saves?

Good question, I usually get the pics directly hosted from reddit but that is posting in a thread. I am not good enough at reddit to know if there's a way to host w/o posting a new thread.


Originally posted by KeKoSlayer29

I know but I didn't know which was the best way of sending him said screenshot

Feel free to pm me here. I might not be able to reply quickly but I will get to it. F6 shot along with a quick description is all I need. If you want to go the extra mile a gif or video are also nice but definitely not expected!


Originally posted by performagekushfire

I thank you tons for even considering it. Honestly I don't think it would take too much work even with my limited knowledge of level design. Besides actually fixing the hole itself, I think it would mainly involve shifting a few of those teleport barriers around. (might sound a bit strange, will makes sense when I show you).

Now I know you're probably busy, so unless you have time to jump in a game (IGN: MonarchPrime, PC.) with me i'll need to to acquire a video, as screenshots will make it rather confusing as to how I get from A to B, so to speak. If It's a lot of work to meet my request to make it a feature, I understand.

Edit: I do have a video ready to go. I hope for the best, especially since the hole itself is out of the way and not easy to find if you're not looking, imo. As you can see, the goal is simply being to stand on top of the tower which has a great view.

Thanks for the video, I'll check it out Monday and see what I can do!

12 Jul


As the Warframe team has been unwinding from TennoCon and catching up with post-July 6th happenings, we have seen reports rolling through that indicated something was fishy (team)  with the TennoLive Nekros Prime drop. 

There were over 600,000 drops delivered to your very inboxes over the course of TennoCon! A truly impressive number of free goods sent to participating Tenno watching from home, but we found a discrepancy between successful deliveries of the Lotus Ephemera vs. Nekros Prime. 

We did some digging to come up with a solution (to send out even more free stuff, because 600,000 drops just isn’t enough let’s be honest), which we’ve laid out below:

What we know: 

  • The Lotus Ephemera drop was earnable by watching any Main Stage panel at TennoCon for 30 consecutive minutes (drop ended at 5:59 p.m. ET) 
  • The Nekros Prime drop (including free Warframe slot!) was earnable by w...
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Originally posted by Cephalon_Zelgius

That's me! Checking as we speak, I swear I fixed this millennia ago but apparently not! Thanks for ping.


Originally posted by performagekushfire

Is there a way I could ask you to turn a specific level hole into a feature instead? There's one I've found that's really cool but I fear if I make it known you'll fix it.

It depends on how much effort and resources will be needed to make it work. If I can fix the hole without having to fiddle with lighting or other things that will trigger a bigger rebuild and so a bigger download by millions of people then that will be the way to go.


Wukong Prime: Hotfix is now live!

Login issues that affected a select few have been fixed serverside! 


  • Fixed Operator Focus Abilities being broken if a tree is semi-complete. This also fixes Operator Void Mode being broken.
  • Fixed UI lockup that could occur when viewing Nightwave Rewards and then an Act.
  • Fixed the camera snapping to an odd orientation when performing actions that lock its orientation (namely, rotating/pulling/pushing Decorations in the Orbiter).
  • Fixed extra beam Range (Ruinous Extension) negatively affecting the secondary beam lock Range of the Ocucor.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Orokin Derelict.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
5 minutes ago, kaelvamp said:

same, zenurik energy dash also broken. cant enter void mode my operator dont even get invisible anymore.

We're investigating this issue for a fix! 

1 minute ago, -KyloRen- said:

Thanks for the hotfix

Login failed, check your info 

Looking into some login cases. Hang tight!

10 minutes ago, --RV--Sleepy said:

The hotfix seems to have done something to the camera when editing things in dojos. Every time I use the constrained movement the camera resets position. It makes it almost impossible to edit things.

Reported to the team for investigation! 


Wukong Prime: Hotfix 25.3.2

General Additions:

  • Added a new Plains Assassinate Bounty Bonus Objective of ‘Draw out the target within one minute for bonus’. More bonuses to come after further testing. 

Clan XP Changes:

If you're not an active participant in the Clan / Dojo system, a lot of this will go over your head. But if you've noticed a discrepancy in your Clan's Dojo XP since the release of Update 25, we have found the issue and have a full breakdown here.

The issue:
Upon researching the Update 25 Clan weapons, some Clans / Dojos had a loss of Clan XP. On the surface this seems like a pretty straight forward problem, but it has turned out to be a bit more complicated. Your "Clan Profile' page showed research and Pigment XP gains, but there was a whole bunch of invisible XP messing with values especially if you deleted a decoration...

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