World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

24 Jul


Una nueva rama de barcos ya está disponible para ser investigada por los jugadores. Hablemos sobre las características de esta rama. Leer en el portal


Um novo ramo de navio já está disponível para os jogadores pesquisarem. Vamos falar sobre as características deste ramo. Leia no portal

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The base client can make the map as large as this (this is 1080p):

You can increase the UI scale in the Settings:

You can destroy mines through use of ASW. Air Strikes drop Depth Charges with a 300m radius explosion from the charge. Ship-dropped Depth Charges have 800m radius explosion from the charge.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you're using any mods for your minimap, please disable them. You should see the minefield indicated on the minimap during both the arming phase and the armed phases.

23 Jul

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, Demo Expert does not alter the radius of Depth Charge explosions.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Since the Concord Bridge's bombers are the only planes that can deploy a minefield, it's worth paying attention to what the bombers do via the minimap once you see that bombers are in use.

If they use the consumable, the field is marked on the minimap as soon as it's deployed. It has a 40 second arming-time, as well.

Arming Phase:

After Arming:

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, the consumable use is independant of how many planes are active in the Squadron at the time of use. Similar to calling a Fighter while only having 1 plane in the air or 9 planes in the air.

The minefield consumable calls another group of planes which near-immediately drop the field. I've not seen those planes be shot down, so it's easiest to just see it as a delivery animation.

22 Jul

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

First, disable any Mods you might be running. We had a new Update recently and that can cause weirdness while mods are still being updated.

Next, you can try a "Check & Repair" in case something in the Update didn't install correctly. If the issue is deeper than that, CS should be able to help so please submit a Ticket!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

My first thought would be to disable any Mods you might be running. We had a new Update recently and that can cause weirdness while mods are still being updated.

After that, try a "Check & Repair" in case something in the Update didn't install correctly. If that doesn't resolve it, you might try an Uninstall and Reinstall.

If the issue is deeper than that, CS should be able to help as they have much more technical knowledge than I do~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Kikaku can deploy smoke from its Rocket Planes. They are available on a cooldown, so similar to Tac Squadrons of Hybrids/SuperCVs/Hornet.

The Concord Bridge's Bombers can deploy minefields. These are normal in terms of plane characteristics but have an axtra consumable they can use while in flight.

21 Jul

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was a pleasure to have you join us! You did an excellent job!


Clash for Credits, Coal, Elite Commander XP, signals, and expendable economic bonuses! Read it on the portal


Lute por Créditos, Carvão, XP de Comandante de Elite, sinais e bônus econômicos consumíveis! Leia no portal


¡Enfréntense por Créditos, Carbón, XP Élite del Comandante, señales y bonificaciones económicas consumibles! Leer en el portal


Cruzadores espanhóis em Acesso antecipado, um novo navio em troca de Pontos de Pesquisa e novos pacotes diários aleatórios! Leia no portal


¡Acceso Anticipado a los cruceros españoles, un nuevo barco a cambio de Puntos de Investigación y nuevos paquetes aleatorios diarios! Leer en el portal


Early Access to Spanish cruisers, a new ship for Research Points, and fresh daily random bundles! Read it on the portal


We’ve introduced a new type of combat mission in Update 12.6 made specifically for players who are part of a “Recruiter-Shipmate” relationship through the use of the Recruiting Station. Read it on the portal


Estamos introduzindo um novo tipo de missão de combate na Atualização 12.6 feito especialmente para jogadores que possuem um vínculo "Recrutador-Companheiro de Bordo" por meio da Estação de Recrutamento. Leia no portal