World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

15 Feb


7am sync calls. I am not a morning person.

If I asked, I’m sure the team would consider making me one again. I think I’d really like a break for a little while before diving in deep again :)

Nope! It was my decision to leave. The NA WoWS team is actually growing and my position will be listed and refilled after my leaving.

I definitely think I’ll try and attend a few this year as a personal trip.


Yes! That will be last event as a WoWS staff :) one last celebration.

Was never into pink as a kid but a dark purple always really appealed to me, that fact it’s both feminine and masculine at the same time.

Hmm, those months where I was the only community staff (Karma is a hybrid) for NA was definitely rough. There were days that I definitely wondered why I was putting myself through so much. In saying that, I never felt obligated. I love my job and the community, even when you were upset, I didn’t want to let our wonderful community go without any staff. Nowadays with the addition of Kalvothe and Hapa (and maybe more soon!) I feel my leaving will (hopefully) not leave the community up the creek. It’s time for me to do what’s best for me now :)

Since I am community staff, there isn’t too much in the game I’ve heavily impacted, so on an NA side of things what I am most proud of:

1 - the revival of...

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What it boils down to is, different game play.

Either you stay bow on, in reverse as the enemy pushes, using your engine boost to increase your reverse speed and prioritize the faster ships. Or you fir over your shoulder as you run away ensuring they have an extreme angle to shoot at as their shells come in.

She can be a real beast in the hands of a skilled BB driver.


14 Feb


Join the World of Warships NA staff for the third stop of the 2020 Anchors Away Tour on May 30-31

USS Turner Joy

USS Turner Joy is a Forrest Sherman-class destroyer commissioned in 1959. Most of her career consisted of patrols and goodwill cruises throughout the Pacific. Most notably, Turner Joy fought alongside USS Maddox during the Gulf of Tonkin incident and would serve repeatedly throughout the ensuing Vietnam War. After the war's end, the remainder of Turner Joy's career would be spent in training exercises or in port for upgrades. Her official retirement game in 1982, when she was brought up to Bremerton, Washington to her final retirement home.

Ticket Purchasing Information: Pro-Tip: Last year, both days were sold out the week of the event. Since limited capacity is available, we recommend purchasing tickets as soon as possible to ensure entry and swag.


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GG! I always try to tell everyone if you have a choice JB is a good BB to have. She's fun, she's forgiving and she can be a real beast in the right hands!


    Kalvothe on Forums - Thread - Direct

TheURLGuy has indeed left the team.


You say that, but as a DD main when I am lighting up enemies and there is a Republique behind me, 9/10 times they are around 20-24kms from the enemy lobbing ineffective fire. Also, I use this example because it is the only UU that I own that I USE and have a use for.

Sure I could use the example of DM's UU, but I don't really play DM much.

I could easily apply your statement to so many tactics of how people SHOULDN'T play. I am giving an example of how the UU changes the gameplay of the ship. That's it.



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As I have said many times, the UU's were NEVER and are not intended to be a buff or improvement. But in fact are there to change how you employ that ship. So case in point for the Republique you lose a little over 6kms in base gun range but reduce almost 6 seconds in base gun reload time I believe. This essentially forces you to play closer to the enemy versus sitting at 25kms lobbing inaccurate salvo's.

Not all of them are worth your time, you have to look at your play style and how you employ your ships currently to decide if they are worth it for you.



    Kalvothe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Should be fixed now.


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No pasen el día de San Valentín solos. ¡Aférrense a un hermoso barco y fijen su curso hacia el amor!

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Não passe o Dia de São Valentim sozinho. Amarre-se a uma gata flutuante e entre no curso para o amor!

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