
Worldbox Dev Tracker

13 Jul


Originally posted by CADKWTD

Ive always like the idea of migrating cultures because cultures shift overtime but I have no clue how the developers would pull that off.


29 Jun


Hi. What do you mean by nose?

What platform do you play on?

Do you have mods installed?

23 Jun


Originally posted by No-Worker2343

but who will be that crazy to give that to a unit?answer:thousends of players

Why crazy? If you want your unit to become hard to kill, here's a trait for it

If you want for him only to have a lot of heath - here another trait


It's supposed to be OP/fun tho, since only player can give it. And it was initially made for robot with smaller health

There's other organically obtained traits that just give smaller bonuses. It's your decision

22 Jun


Thanks for report!


Oh wat


Originally posted by Relative_Aerie6089

What do you think?

It's an interesting idea, but out of scope of the game and not so easy to add unfortunately.

20 Jun


Originally posted by -Herculi

This happens to me when I play on a world that's too big for my device to handle. You should try making a smaller world🤷‍♂️

Will be fixed next patch


Originally posted by magmacube_tr

Agreed. Though implementation of such a thing may be... complicated.

It's actually easy to add. But would need to sacrifice with some CPU.

Archers would have to calculate additional info - like if there mountain in line of sight? Where should I go so there won't be mountains between us?

So far decided that more units in battles/world worth more than additional calculations. Maybe would rethink it later, but for now - oof

19 Jun


Originally posted by Metal-Mania

No, also sorry for late response. It happens whenever I click onto creatures.

Hmm. You can try to remove mods, and then re-add them one by one.

It seems that one of the mods is sus


Originally posted by Woooggi

Yes I can and I'm on worldbox discord but where should I share my world? Maybe personally to you in discord?

Nice! Best way if you create a new topic in #help-forum and attach there


Originally posted by Woooggi

Yees. I launch this world again and constantly this error (I played about 1 minute). Even more error prints (edited, I checked it)

I played about 10 minutes.

Nice! Can you share your world? Are you on worldbox discord? Can easy upload files there


Does it happen again after you restart the game?

How long did you play before error?


Does it happen only on saves that were created with mods?

18 Jun


Originally posted by Kendja

Did you activate any debug settings?

Or changed any world laws?

Does it happen if you save/reload your world right away?

Can you try to update the game to latest version? I see that you using outdated one and check if bug happens again please

Found it. Thanks guys. Will be fixed next patch


Originally posted by VonToast

Happens for me when i save and reload a save, the spawner builders respawn/become immortal and units don’t attack them

Version is up to date

Which platform do you play at?

Just tried to spawn some ice towers in human city. Save. Load. And it didn't happen...

Maybe there more steps for it that i'm missing? Thank you


Originally posted by Relative_Aerie6089

Hi, I was wondering if you saw my concept art thing?

Hi! Which one? Can you add a link?


Originally posted by VonToast

Had this same bug

also on ios?

can you replicate it easy?