
Worldbox Dev Tracker

17 Jun


Did you activate any debug settings?

Or changed any world laws?

Does it happen if you save/reload your world right away?

Can you try to update the game to latest version? I see that you using outdated one and check if bug happens again please


Originally posted by SexWithLayla69

Yes. Specifically the mods

NarutoBox v7. Noble’s Life Mod. CollectionMod. Better Clan Mod. HeraldicBox Mod. Divine Affinity Mod. KeyGUI Mod. Art of War Mod.

[Edit: Darkie traits Mod]

Nice. Not our issue then haha




Did you used any mods?

16 Jun

13 Jun


Ok thanks everyone, that concludes the AMA for today.

12 Jun


Originally posted by LukXD99

We’ve been trying to reach you about your Worlds extended warranty.

Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Originally posted by Kendja

How's your updog is doing?

It's doing fine, how's your ligma


Originally posted by Kendja

Where's my ladder?

Chaos is a ladder


Where's my ladder?


How's your updog is doing?

11 Jun


Originally posted by Doom_is_eternal666

Cool. Will religions work like cultures, or you dont know how to implement it yet?

I can say that main thing about religions will be magic.

As for cultures - there's big rework is coming. I don't like how tech part of cultures worked out, and I want to make them more fun.


Originally posted by No_Enthusiasm6213

Can we please get more sandbox tools instead of civilization tools

If you mean stuff like more biomes, that's planned. Or what do you mean?


Originally posted by YoTemplar

Maxim i swear to God if this is a hint for something



Originally posted by Browithnogame

Oh you think so? Alr imma ask you a simple question how many suggestions did your team fullfill that was wished by the players i want you to go to the suggestion flair and sort by top and all time and see for yourself did you ever fullfill these suggestions example of one popular suggestion “Walls” its being asked for years but for even after 2 years we have no update of a simple suggestion this tells a lot about your team and when people like me talks about these things we are downvoted (not surprised)

Walls are not a simple suggestion to implement. They don't work well with other game mechanics such as cities, kingdoms, their borders, and wars. This addition also introduces additional technical difficulties, which would require us to reduce the number of units in the world.

Our priority is to implement something that works well with the game engine and current mechanics. If walls were feasible, we would have already added them.

I'm not downvoting you, and I understand your frustration with not seeing the features you want. However, not everything can be added easily. Some seemingly small things can actually take a surprising amount of time

If you think there's something else apart from walls that should take priority, please link the threads


Oh, what was your suggestions?

We have a lot of stuff planned for years ahead. Including ideas from players.

If new suggestions are simple to implement, make sense to core concept(including future updates) or highly demanded - they could take a priority.


2022 wasn't a good year. Still planned tho


Originally posted by BeinlausiMentegh

Didn't know zombie dragons were a thing holy heck

Oops, spoiler haha


Some of the older colors still there, but since the system changed - they are now will have different ids. Apologies for inconvenience

Also in latest hotfix you can now adjust brightness and opacity of borders from settings