
Worldbox Dev Tracker

30 Apr


It's a technical/mathematical issue. We've encountered it while working on the ages mechanic, especially during cold ages. We mentioned this in the patch notes.

Whenever a tile switches state from water to land, the cached data that paths are using need to be updated to ensure that units don't accidentally walk into lava or water. And when water changes to ice during freezing - it needs to happen a lot, to make it look nice. And if we make it look nice in current state - it would add noticeable "game-freezes(lol)".

So for now we disabled this feature, since it's not a critical thing.

We haven't changed the description of trait yet, as we need time to figure out how to make it work. Adding 100 developers to the task won't help, as programming doesn't work like that. It's not a content issue, but an algorithmic puzzle.

Although the game may appear simple, it has many challenges under the hood, as we're trying to simulate thousands of units.

27 Apr


Is it non winter time? Ages now act as seasons, and snow/ice won't stay in warmer ages

Permafrost is biome and not affected by this


Nsfw installer wat



Planned to add armies as entities with names, but didn't think it through like that. Good job!

26 Apr


Hmm, that's weird. Thanka for report


As everything in the game, it comes from you as creator of your world.

You make the lore.

22 Apr


Please wait for the next update. Shoube be better

09 Apr



31 Mar

29 Mar


Wow. Do you mind if it will be included in the game?


Originally posted by N8thegreat2577

nah most of my alliances will dissolve the second they’re formed, and the others never reach 50 years

Alliances that dissolve right away is a bug. Still hunting it. Can't make it happen in my machine for some reason

26 Mar


Originally posted by Woooggi

Ok but is it possible to make that the game memorizes your language settings that you set off in game without changing in Steam? I think it will be convenient.

Steam properties have priority over the in-game setting. Just change it in your WorldBox steam settings.


k, hat s wro g?


does this happens for all texts?