
Worldbox Dev Tracker

01 Oct

30 Sep

24 Sep


Did it happen only with towers in this village?

23 Sep


Originally posted by Sweet_Ad6194

I've been messaging the support team everyday on the website and still no reply I'm pretty pissed

I think everything has been resolved now :-)


Originally posted by thegamingnot

Is it possible to have moders have access to everything so they can improve the game along with you? And in case you were wondering I have no idea on how to mod anything other then paradox titles xD

Yeah, we plan to improve modding support in the future


Originally posted by dyingrunner

the point he's trying to raise is that elves and dwarves aren't traditionally black. have you seen a black dwarf or elf in Tolkien's work? or any other fantasy novel/film?

Tolkien - i don't think so.

Forgotten realms books for example, had a lot of different elves. Like dark(also known as Drow)/wood/wild ones. All with a bit different skin color.

Not sure about dwarves in other universes. I think world of warcraft had some


Who do you think have build medieval bridges!?

Check and Mate, mate!


Originally posted by Fod-ido

Wait, y'all have a balcklist to names? (I think I remember seeing the 'Thor Cum' in an old game of mine lol)

Yeah, sometimes generator is a bit wild


Originally posted by TaninTaninon

What about skin tones? Alot of don't want black Elfs and Dwarfs.

Why not? They are humanoids and genetically can have different pigments of skin as well right?


Originally posted by MoonlightXIIIV

Who would want slavery! Didn’t we just get skin-tones? Idk that just 😞

Slavery is not exactly racial. A lot of Empires had it in some form. For example, Russia had serfdom.

Also, fantasy themes often have it as well. Lord of The Rings universe(which was inspiration for worldbox races) had Nazgul - which were slaves of Sauron.


Originally posted by Fresh-Preference8872

Maybe make an option where we could have either modern or normal or i might stop playing that would be incredibly annoying

There's no magic button to add "modern". It would require year or more of work, without new updates of finishing/polishing current features. With reworking current mechanics to make it work.

That's the point of the post.


Opening /r/worldbox today

# Modern update - I mentioned it a few times in the comments. We are currently focusing on the medieval fantasy theme. And since we still have over 9000 features to implement in the next many years - we don't have any plans on working on "modern" progression.

I understand why people want it, it would be cool to have a game that has it all! Especially since the game has the ability to drop bombs. Let’s just say that god abilities and civilization aspects are two separate parts of the game.

It’s not a bad thing to ask. It’s just not practical to work or consider it from a development perspective.

Eventually our goal is to have the Ultimate Fantas...

Read more External link →

You sure it's generated? We have it blacklisted

21 Sep


Originally posted by DogeloreUser

Yep, usually it happens in sonic speed for me.

Oh!? Ever happened without sonic?

20 Sep


Originally posted by Sweet_Ad6194

please and thank you my email is [email protected]

Hi, did you use this email to send us a message? There's no emails from this address


Originally posted by Sweet_Ad6194

yes PC and I did download it from the website but it keeps sending me to the App Store

Can you record a video, of what you mean by "sending you to different store" please?

19 Sep