
Unturned Dev Tracker

08 Feb


A6 Polaris is by the same developers.

06 Feb


A good starting point would be to visit the official resource for Unturned modding documentation. The most relevant article would be the one on the game data properties for Blueprints, but if you're brand new to modding you'll likely want to familiarize yourself with other concepts as well (like creating an item).

I recommend referencing any of the vanilla game data files that have blueprints, which can be found along the ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Unturned\Bundles\Items file path.

The gist of what you're wanting to do is fairly simple. Note that you can't add new crafting recipes without having them be part of an item's game data. The (very summarized) steps would generally look like this:

  1. Create a new item. It doesn't nee...
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05 Feb


Originally posted by Ewangl

I joined buak singleplayer on lowest possible graphics and resolution, got 1 fps

That sounded like there must be something wrong to me, so I double-checked today. My wife has a low-spec MacBook Air from ~2016 that I previously used for testing Unturned's Mac compatibility, before getting the newer M1 Mac for M1 compatibility testing. On that MacBook Air I was able to walk around one of the Buak towns facing the center mountain (most performance-intensive viewpoint) at around 20 fps low settings. Obviously 20 fps isn't ideal, but Buak is the most graphically-demanding map in the game by a long shot, and that's even having made optimizations to the base game specifically targeting the map. (other maps run much better on that laptop)

My gut expectation is that nowadays if anything runs at 1 fps there's probably something wrong. What platform are you on? Do you have any additional launch options specified in the Unturned properties window in Steam?

04 Feb


Originally posted by BlockLord1173

I have just started playing on my own server with a friend and cousin, and we love the game but hosting your own server is very difficult. We have been using playit.gg which is great and free but a better way to do this would be amazing

Glad to hear you're enjoying it! One note regarding tools like playit.gg: relatively recently, support for Steam's Fake IP and Server Codes joining have added an equivalent feature built-in. That is to say, you can join by Server Code or Fake IP without port forwarding and without tunneling software.


Originally posted by abobocoto

I love the ability to pass time either by sleeping or waiting.

I agree that would be useful. Certainly comes in handy in e.g. Minecraft or Valheim. Maybe can be included in a future similar poll/survey. Though I think it would be hard to coordinate everyone to agree to sleep in a PvP server.


Originally posted by Ewangl

Good Optimtzation. Back in 2016 or 2017 i could play unturned in at least 30 fps on old laptop. But now it barely can handle this game, even more powerful lap that i got now cant always keep up good fps count sometimes.

Are you playing at higher settings though? I've kept an old laptop around for testing and generally the framerate has improved over the years on my end.


Originally posted by Andrew000120

Maybe some maps that can be used in rp and maybe auto update for mods in servers not sure if you can make that happen bcs it rl does become annoying seeing a server u wanna join and it got a mod update and u cant contact them some how

I may as well at least add the option for auto-updating server mods. The code is mostly already there and it's been requested a few times recently. When that feature was first added it wasn't *as* important for the server mods to be completely in sync, but now the game is pretty strict about asset mismatch to block some cheats.


Originally posted by WonderfulMedicine160

Steam input support as controller support?

Hmm not out of the question. I'd been thinking mostly of controller navigation in the UI, and perhaps updating to Unity's new input system. Considering how tightly coupled with Steam Unturned is already there wouldn't be much downside to using Steam Input directly...


Originally posted by UnturnedDurham

Being able to host your own server readily would be very useful.

To expand on this: The request for easier server hosting would technically be implemented as "listen server hosting". In that mode your client would run as both the client and server simultaneously and your friends could join without the separate dedicated server software.

That's how multiplayer worked in 2.0. There is a host player in the world and everyone joins them. This approach isn't without downsides, however, and so dedicated server support was one of the absolute top priorities with 3.0. I over-corrected though and didn't factor in listen server hosting as being an important feature.

Singleplayer sort of runs as a listen server. It's running both the client and server code simultaneously. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as just enabling joining singleplayer to make listen server hosting work at this point. Lots of code the has been written with only dedicated servers and singleplayer in mind, and would function unexpectedly on listen servers.

It wou...

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01 Feb

  1. Yes – but you'll have to update the Workshop submission every time you update your map locally.
  2. Save your map, go to the main menu, go to "Single-player", and you can load up your map from there. There are some(?) third-party tools that allow for loading into your map while still within the level editor, but these tools are not officially supported.

If you have a few minutes, I’d appreciate your input on this survey! The goal is to collect feedback on what the Unturned community is most interested in seeing in 2024: https://forms.gle/Fv4guTqb5ApacQbM9

I will post it in-game as well a little bit later. The reason for waiting is to get any comments/criticisms on the survey itself before posting to a wider audience.

External link →

30 Jan


Originally posted by Sharrac

Longtime fan here, thank you so much for all your hard work amd dedication it really shines through on the game

Thanks for the kind words and your longtime support, Sharrac! :)


Originally posted by Nick97_

Dude, keep up the good work. It's seriously impressive for how long you've kept on working on this game.

Thanks Nick! :)


Originally posted by shredder11205

Keep it up! U r the best!

Thanks shredder! :)


Originally posted by Familiar_Ad_8919

can you give an explanation as to the active botting of the game? if you are doing it, why?

can you give an explanation as to the active botting of the game? if you are doing it, why?

In short: No, I'm not botting the player count.

To help clarify my side of this issue and prevent the spread of misinformation, I have written a support article here with more details: https://smartlydressedgames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/20692302395028

Similarly, in the interest of transparency, I shared the server list player numbers for 2023 in a blog post here: ...

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Originally posted by erad67

Sounds good. Looking forward to seeing what rolls out.

Thanks, I hope it's worth the wait!


Welcome back to the game and community! :)

As another player mentioned paid server hosting, I'd like to add that the free self-hosting process has gotten easier over the years and port-forwarding is no longer required. For more details, here is the official documentation: https://docs.smartlydressedgames.com/en/stable/servers/server-...

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No, development is ongoing. There were some rather significant updates towards the end of 2023, and there is (at least in my opinion) a great-looking lineup of content coming this year!

I'm the developer of the core game, and I understand that from the outside, it sometimes looks like I don't do much, especially if there hasn't been an update for a while or if the updates seem to be mostly boring stuff. Game development is still my passion, I'm working on Unturned projects 100% lately (sometimes I do little side projects for various reasons like learning or experimenting, but not for at least the last 5-6 months), and I tend to get at least a standard workday every weekday. I've been having a lot of fun recently and feel very optimistic about the future!

25 Jan


Originally posted by Electronic-Tower6222

You're cat was beautiful ❤️ i really like all the details you work on the game, it's awesome how detailed you are in terms of working on unturned, the Easter eggs, missions and all are awesome, but this can be the unique opportunity I have to contact you, i wonder you read this, the game you made is awesome is one of the best survival games right now it's balanced on pvp and PvE, has one of the best construction system, nice graphics and insane maps, but i can't evade that like others survivals, the optimization of the game is not good enough, I hope you can work on it, that would be really insane and can become the game the best survival so far

Thanks for your kind words! There is definitely room for performance improvement. The previous update that was heavily performance focused was the level atlassing update last year. The majority of the performance cost right now is on the CPU in rendering, unfortunately, which is difficult to make further big improvements to. This is part of why even with a highend GPU the FPS could be around 60 - it's CPU bottlenecked. If future Unity updates further parallelize rendering we would see a huge improvement. This is also why maps like PEI are so much faster, there's just a lot less stuff to draw compared to newer super-detailed maps.


Originally posted by FactorRare4104

where is he located in germany?

I don't recall off the top of my head, but I suppose it's something to go looking for! That being said, it might be somewhere inaccessible.