over 1 year ago - Gazz - Direct link

After a long break I looked at farming and I could not figure out how this was going to work from reading the perk description.
Double this and triple that with different unstated base amounts while leaving out important detail...

Current ingame description:
1: Double the harvest of wild or planted crops. Craft seeds for flowers and decorative plants like goldenrod, chrysanthemum, aloe, and yucca.\nFarm plots cost 30% less to craft.
2: You can craft seeds for berries and vegetables.\n50% chance to harvest 1 additional crop.\nFarm plots cost 50% less to craft.
3: Triple the harvest of wild or planted crops.

This would be accurate with current gameplay:
1: Harvest 2 crop items from wild and 4 from planted crops. 50% chance to get a seed back from planted crops. Craft seeds for flowers and decorative plants like goldenrod, chrysanthemum, aloe, and yucca.\nFarm plots cost 30% less to craft.
2: Harvest 2-3 crop items from wild and 4-5 from planted crops. 50% chance to get a seed back from planted crops. You can craft seeds for berries and vegetables.\nFarm plots cost 50% less to craft.
3: Harvest 3-4 crop items from wild and 6-7 from planted crops. 50% chance to get a seed back from planted crops.

Reading this description it is clear that you can make a small profit with level 1 of the perk. Going by the current description in the game you would need level 3 to make any profit.

.. or go further with a Redesign For Dummies: (but that's wishlist territory)
Shuffle the harvest events around a bit. Same overall outcome but no math skills required at any point.

1: Harvest 2 crop items from wild and 1-2 from planted crops. Get 1 seed back from planted crops. Craft seeds for flowers and decorative plants like goldenrod, chrysanthemum, aloe, and yucca.\nFarm plots cost 30% less to craft.
2: Harvest 3 crop items from wild and 2 from planted crops. Get 1 seed back from planted crops. You can craft seeds for berries and vegetables.\nFarm plots cost 50% less to craft.
3: Harvest 4 crop items from wild and 4 from planted crops. Get 1 seed back from planted crops.

This makes it very clear at every level what your growth will be and how it will be sustainable.

It also cleans up the seed inconsistency. In the current game you always get 1 seed back from "growing" plants but 0.5 seeds from fully grown ones which makes gameplay-sense but is completely backwards.