4 months
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Weather is random. You just have bad luck.
Originally posted by Max Relax:Been playing for over a decade now.Originally posted by SylenThunder: Weather is random. You just have bad luck.
Have you played this game at all?
Originally posted by Max Relax: Perhaps its due to my 120 min days that every day brings rain. Now hows about instead of telling the customer they have the wrong opinion you add a solution. So instead of selecting what customer to lose you just try to keep em all. Just spitballing an idea here. Rain settings for the server.Opinion is just that. Isn't a fact.
Originally posted by Max Relax:I'm not a customer service agent. I'm not even staff.Originally posted by SylenThunder: Been playing for over a decade now.
Opinion is just that. Isn't a fact.
What is a fact, is that the weather is chosen randomly.
If you are always getting rain every single day, then that is literally just bad luck at RNG for you.
I normally play on 90-minute days. In my most recent playthrough I have only seen rain twice in seven days.
No need to add an option when you can just edit the xml or use a console command.
Well that explains why there are mods to solve this non existant problem. If the mods were up to date for 1.0 then said mods wouldve been installed. Thank you for providing the absolute worst customer service. I flip my favorite finger back at your favorite finger.