about 3 years ago - Gazz - Direct link

Nah, people are just being super fans, taking this way too seriously. Smile and move on.

Can't really wish for players to care less, y'know? =P

about 3 years ago - faatal - Direct link

Actually, lots of games take many years and tons of alphas/betas, you just don't get to see it, because they are not early access.

I don't care how long a game took to make, as long as I got my money's worth. I buy plenty of normal games and have no clue how long they took to make. I buy some early access games and will sometimes play them right away if it looks far enough to be a good experience like I did with 7dtd years before I was an employee and I certainly got my money's worth. Other times I just wait for them to finish and then play to get the full experience like I did with Black Mesa. Now I could have just bought it when it was done, but it was a deal on sale, so I took the chance and just purchased it and then ended up waiting several years.

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