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Originally posted by ProxyJames:Originally posted by De Espirit: Of course you can say lockpicks are useless when you already have a top shelf pickaxe and auger. Lockpicks are there as an alternative for the people that don't have points in Strength and mining.my dude all you need is a iron pick axe and you can get that right at the start by putting one point into advanced engineering and one into miner 69er and at that lever it takes a HELL of ALOT longer to pick a lock then to just bash it with a pick axe because of how much it brakes, I ♥♥♥♥ you not once me and a friend went though 20 lock picks EACH before going...OK ♥♥♥♥ IT and bashing it open
That sounds exceptionally unlucky or else like a bug. I’d say it takes me 4 lockpicks on average with no enhancement from skills.
I don’t need any encouragement to use lockpicks. I’ll always use them if I have them, unless I just forget that I have some.