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No changes in your post either.
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Thoughts on a learn by use and book system?
Skills/ Perks rework needed!?
As for Unity, because no other engine is capable of doing what Unity does with a fully 3D Voxel enviroment. UE is still almost five years behind in that regard.
Vulkan works for the most part. Preferred on Linux currently. It's shortcomings are on the side of Unity. Same reasons DLSS isn't working. But thanks to AMD's superior choices, FDR works for all.
If you think there are no changes in the past year, then you haven't bothered to even look. That's just flaming right there.
Originally posted by Atesz: Ok. 1.0 is a great deal. But why doubled the price?$44.99 is way too much for this. Even in a 1.0 state.
Originally posted by Atesz: Where is the bandits?Great job on adding bandits.. Wait, 1.0... no bandits.
Originally posted by Atesz: What is legendary parts? Get more then needed, even find legendary items in loots.V1.0 Official Release Notes
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Originally posted by Atesz: Why not increasing my skill while i doing jobs in that profession?How do people genuinely feel about the new magazine based system?
Thoughts on a learn by use and book system?
Skills/ Perks rework needed!?
As for Unity, because no other engine is capable of doing what Unity does with a fully 3D Voxel enviroment. UE is still almost five years behind in that regard.
Vulkan works for the most part. Preferred on Linux currently. It's shortcomings are on the side of Unity. Same reasons DLSS isn't working. But thanks to AMD's superior choices, FDR works for all.
If you think there are no changes in the past year, then you haven't bothered to even look. That's just flaming right there.