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Why cats kill plage doctors and them not defending themselves. Do the caya take revenge on the doctors and thw doctors accepting that they arw also at fault for the plage or do they venerate the caya that could save the world?

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almost 6 years ago - Sasha_JP - Direct link
Hey なぜ私は生きているの. I hope you find the answer to that question, but I would say 誰だって存在意義があるさ。

Have you played any Wargaming games in the past? Master of Orion maybe, or World of Warships for example?
about 3 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
MS install the game - indeed all games - deep in a hidden folder that ordinary users have no access to. Why it then shows were you see it I frankly have no idea.

Are you having some problem or ar just curious?  
about 2 years ago - /u/Kendja - Direct link

It was a funny bug.

almost 2 years ago - /u/Unyshek - Direct link


12 months ago - Roland - Direct link
There is a rage mechanic that causes zombies to sometimes go berserk and run full speed for a short period after they are damaged. It is a completely separate mechanic and feature from the setting for normal run speed. The frequency at which zombies go into rage is dependent on the difficulty level. So if you play on scavenger they almost never rage. If you play on insane they almost always rage.

Hence, if you are playing on insane and set zombies to walking speed always they will always walk unless you hurt them. If you do they will almost always run for a short time before they settle back to walking again.

There is also a knockback feature that some weapons have a high chance of delivering which will knock zombies back on their back when you hit them. Without the knockback result from your weapon they continue to move forward sometimes spinning and as already mentioned sometimes going into a rage, You can think of it as your hit is a solid one that knocks them back whenever you score a knockback but simply a glancing blow which damages but doesn't squarely smash them backward and because they don't respond to pain and often rage at higher levels they will continue to move forward despite your sledgehammer swing.

What all this means is that the features work together great at the default difficulty level and they make things tougher for the player as higher difficulties are selected. It sounds to me like the OP has pushed the difficulty beyond the point that they are capable of playing and wants the balance changed to make the higher difficulties "possible" without having to "resort to exploits".

Here's the thing. Not everyone has to resort to exploits to make the high difficulty option possible. They are able to play to the challenge and gutting the highest difficulties of challenge just so people who struggle with it can play is going to ruin the fun of those who can play at that level. The best option for the op is to turn the difficulty down so zombies rage less often and then fully perk into those weapons that increase the chance for knockback.
12 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Darren: Its always the same story with the same bad examples, just to say something against some words used. i really dont get it - wrote something in another thread this morning to a similiar thing, but i'll repeat. So because of we can take the 4x4 in the iventory it would be okay for you that we are going to ride flying rabbits in the next alpha or what? Its that kind of logic you use.

To the Topic, it seems that things like this are made to annoy the players, really. its not so long ago, the Z's didnt do that. i think it came with A21, together with other fun killing Things.

You're right, if you play on low difficulty its not too bad, depending on what kind of player you are. Its jjust silly and surley could be done better if they wanted so.

(Sorry for bad grammar, it's late, I'm tired and I'm not a native speaker, but I think everyone understands what I mean, hm?)
Thing is, The same thing is true in reverse... because some singular mechanic in the game is realistic, people like the OP complain that every single mechanic in the game is not realistic.

Because Buildings have physics, Zombies must also have realistic physics, and because it doesnt it's broken/BS/Unrealistic/Etc.

Both extremes are bad. 7DTD has never set out to be a 100% totally and completely realistic game.... Neither has it ever set out to be a 100% totally and completely UNrealistic game. It has a pseudorealism that it sticks to when it's fun, and ignores when it's not.

So to pose an example:
It's pseudo-realistic that we can only have so many items in our inventory before we become overencumbered; Meanwhile every single one of those slots could be filled with an amount of material practically equivalent to a small moon (500 1m cubes of Concrete can fit in one slot; that's 2.4~ tons per block x 500 x 30 or so inventory slots)_ .... Or it could be filled with a bunch of single individual feathers, either way, you dont get encumbered until you go over the amount of open slots you have.

It is fun/engaging/interesting to have to choose what items you bring back, to pick through trash and walk away with the gold.... It would NOT be fun/engaging/interesting to have everything weigh exactly as much as it does IRL and limit our inventory to like 40-80lbs and 6 inventory slots because that's about how much a person could realistically be hauling around at all times, thus forcing base building to be a tedious mess of walking back and forth with a couple individual planks 5-6 times to build a SINGLE block out of the hundreds you need to build to make a base.

Both extremes are bad. The reality is somewhere in the middle; The devs try to take what realistic stuff is fun/interesting, and outright ignore what they think wont be. That is game design at its core.

The builder achievement/quest?

Originally posted by Mablemon

Its the twin towers and a plane

Yikes, didn't properly see it with the zone boundary.