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My game is up to date and I'm online but no festival items are appearing in the settlement (Yanli's) shop.

Is there a certain quest you have to do to get them to appear?

Was it only for a certain amount of time?

The shop only contains the items that are usually in there in the base game, there's no extra weapons, ice beards etc.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @Simplethumb for those who did not have the chance to participate in the Yule, Ostara, Sigrblot, or Oskoreia Festivals, all rewards from past festivals will be available at all merchants located throughout England upon completing the quest The First Night of Samhain (Glowecestrescire arc).

This will give you the opportunity to acquire rewards you might have missed out on in exchange for silver.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@Simplethumb you're welcome 🙂

And I know some of the spellings for the regions in the game can be quite tricky 😆

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@Simplethumb indeed, the pronunciation is just as tricky as the spelling.

I will now lock this thread. If you have any further queries or issues please create a new post and we will be happy to assist 🙂