Hi, I have recently completed the discovery tour and received the rewards, but there is a problem with the horse.
Firstly the colour of the horse is different in game to what is shown in the stable this includes the saddle also, I have seen other video's with the horse and they also look a lot whiter than the horse in my game.
example image: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlrhNsScCGCHh5Y9xQclHJ87qaWRRw?e=1L9bFG
Secondly the horse in game some times appears grey not white, until it takes damage then it changes colour to a whiter horse.
example video: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AlrhNsScCGCHh5Y8dXIUJD-Rg8AGHQ?e=KhY1sW
I have tried checking settings in game, everything is on max, also tried adjusting my monitor settings and nothing changes the outcome.