Original Post — Direct link

Hi, I have recently completed the discovery tour and received the rewards, but there is a problem with the horse.

Firstly the colour of the horse is different in game to what is shown in the stable this includes the saddle also, I have seen other video's with the horse and they also look a lot whiter than the horse in my game.

example image: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlrhNsScCGCHh5Y9xQclHJ87qaWRRw?e=1L9bFG

Secondly the horse in game some times appears grey not white, until it takes damage then it changes colour to a whiter horse.

example video: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AlrhNsScCGCHh5Y8dXIUJD-Rg8AGHQ?e=KhY1sW

I have tried checking settings in game, everything is on max, also tried adjusting my monitor settings and nothing changes the outcome.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @m3kon apologies for the late response.

I can see that the saddle looks slightly darker and the horse also looks darker, however it is difficult to tell as it is night time in the game. Could you please provide another video during the daytime?

In the video could you also enter photo mode and look at the horse closer up.

Can you also provide links to the videos where you have seen the horse look whiter than in your own game.