I've noticed a bug with the Hugr-Rip in the DoR DLC.
If you have the Hugr-Rip set to only have 2 power slots and if one of those slots has "Power of the Raven", that power will be missing if you wake up and go back into Svartalfheim, the power slot will be empty and you have to claim the Raven power again. It also happens if you close the game down and relaunch it. This bug doesn't happen if you have the Hugr-Rip set to have 3 power slots.
I recorded a video showing the error and how it doesn't happen with a 3 slot Hugr-Rip.
Video link : (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s6cfnvz4LF8m7WH7rzvBt5pG8nizqTIL/view?usp=sharing)