Original Post — Direct link

Can't complete the "Uncommon Proposition" quest as the bug still exists after over a year of saying "we'll look into it" (lame). I'm supposed to follow Birstan but he won't lead me. He just keeps standing there saying "Come Eivor, Estrid awaits. I am keen on discussing our alliance but not here." then he just stands there.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @TPierce1961 I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing an issue with the quest 'An Uncommon Proposition'.

I have checked and can see that there was an issue for this particular quest reported in January 2021, however the issue was with Birstan being stuck and the bears do not attack. This issue was resolved with update

Could you please provide a video that demonstrates this issue. In the video could you show the following:

  • That you have the latest update installed. This can be seen on the main menu screen before loading your save.
  • Your quest log screen showing the quest and the quest objective.
  • That you cannot proceed in the quest as Birstan won't move.

I would recommend uploading your video to a video sharing platform such as YouTube, you can then copy the URL link into this thread. 

Can you also ensure that your latest save is uploaded to the cloud. If you are unsure how to do this there is a support article that you can check here